Immigration idea a patate chaude to Legault

The federal government has not yet passed a resolution to boost Canada’s population to 100 million by 2100, it’s just an idea, but François Legault already sees this notion as a threat to Quebec.

He’s trapped, though. If Canada accepts so many immigrants but Quebec refuses them, its weight in the government of Canada will be reduced as it loses seats in the Commons according to the rules about distributing ridings according to population. But if Quebec admits its share, some of them won’t be able to speak French, and Legault only wants to admit people who can already speak French. Legault would like to import only those people who are already fully Québécois in language, culture and attitudes, but he’s learning that the only place to find these people is in Quebec.

Incidentally, I still don’t quite understand how Quebec can control immigration when there are no border checks with Ontario or New Brunswick. I don’t understand what would stop someone from immigrating to the rest of Canada, then hopping a bus to Montreal, if this is where they have prospects of a life.