I was alerted by a comment below from Shawn that two CF-18s will fly over the Molson stadium area Saturday at 7 pm and 7:10 pm for the Alouettes opening game.
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S.W. Welch has announced on Facebook that his lease ends definitively at the end of July, and that books will be on sale at 50% off from Sunday.
Sale started today, actually! I was just there. Found a nice first edition for half off. I thanked SW for his service and got a rare warm smile from him!
In 2021, a cyclist was killed when a truck driver hit him and kept driving. As described here, the driver heard sounds coming from under his truck, got out, extracted a bicycle and threw it aside, then kept driving. Driver Brandon Marchand‑Bibeau was condemned last fall, not for killing someone, but for leaving the scene of an accident. The Crown wants him to do time. He’ll be sentenced next month.
A magic mushroom dispensary that has storefronts in Ontario has plans to open some locations here, but the mayor is not in favour.
I think she’s wrong about this. The drugs to worry about are mostly opioids. People don’t get addicted to psilocybin, and it’s been shown to have useful properties in helping people fight depression and creative blocks. If we can be trusted to use cannabis responsibly, we can be trusted with shrooms.
Yes, microdosing or using in conjunction with therapy, they can be helpful.
But there will be many people who won’t microdose, and while they won’t overdose or get physically addicted, there can be so many other problems… Hallucinogenics are in no way similar to cannabis.shawn
I remember well what happened when that weed entrepreneur tried to open some illegal dispensaries across town in a frigid February and the police shut them all down pronto. I was part of the crowd rushing from locational to location.
This was while Toronto was home to a number of excellent pre-legal dispensaries.
Anyway, if they go ahead with this plan and open a store I think it’ll be shut down very quickly.
Kb, that’s the prohibitionist’s argument: You, sir, can’t have a glass of beer, because there are some people who can’t control their drinking.
@Kate it’s not like the mayor has much of a choice – psilocybin is illegal in Canada and that cannot be changed by anyone other than the members of the House of Commons. If she were to give even tacit or implied approval, how would she square that with an eventual arrest of the folks selling the mushrooms?
Joey, somehow this outfit has storefronts in Ontario and sellls microdosing products online. Given Papa Legault’s cautious attitudes toward cannabis, I’m doubtful he’d tolerate a storefront anywhere in Quebec – he’d probably act on it faster than the feds or the city. We’ll see.
The antique carousel at La Ronde hasn’t operated in four years and may never operate again. Its future is uncertain.
shawn 17:03 on 2023-06-10 Permalink
… and even as a diehard CFL fan I think it’s dumb. I think of people in Kyiv and elsewhere, who would give anything not to hear weapons roaring over their heads.
Tim S. 18:39 on 2023-06-10 Permalink
Jets just took off from St Hubert. Not so bad if you’re ready for them and not in a downtown sound funnel.
Shawn Goldwater 19:04 on 2023-06-10 Permalink
They were three minutes late!
MarcG 19:12 on 2023-06-10 Permalink
Ferociously googling “CF-18 carbon emissions climate change we are doomed”
Shawn Goldwater 19:34 on 2023-06-10 Permalink
Btw I actually closed my windows and turned back on my air purifier. Did anyone else notice a slight smell of the fires around 6 pm or was that just something in my area?
shawn 20:26 on 2023-06-10 Permalink
… though it seems fine now.
Kb 22:15 on 2023-06-10 Permalink
Our Lady Peace played the halftime! I live near Parc LaFontaine, and could hear them.
John B 00:37 on 2023-06-11 Permalink
@Shawn – if you’re in Verdun, I think something was going on on LaSalle north/east of Desmarchais. I saw 10-ish fire trucks head over there.
shawn 07:04 on 2023-06-11 Permalink
Thanks John. No, I’m in Mile End.
Now, according to the web, we have passed from good to only moderate quality air this morning.