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  • Kate 22:55 on 2023-11-07 Permalink | Reply  

    24heures calculated what Jean Drapeau’s big projects would cost in today’s dollars but it’s the visual details that caught my eye.

    In February 1961, there was a ceremonial sod‑turning for the first part of Place des Arts. In the photo all the men are wearing hats – not winter hats, but the kind of hats most men stopped wearing shortly after that time. (I’ve read that it was JFK’s shunning of the masculine hat that put it permanently out of fashion.)

    In October 1966, the initial parts of the metro were inaugurated, and there’s a photo showing Drapeau in the driver’s cab along with a couple of other men (no hats, but they’re indoors) and Cardinal Léger. In 1966 it still seemed normal to invite a prelate to bless the metro. That impulse too was coming to an end.

    So then there’s Expo 67, and following from the previous, I’ve never found out who decided to call the artificial island Île Notre‑Dame. A year or two later, it probably would have been given a different, nonreligious name.

    • Orr 18:16 on 2023-11-11 Permalink

      Speaking of Jean Drapeau, on 12 august (the anniversary of his passing) we go to his statue across from city hall and leave a little homage to the man who made modern Montreal, then went insane (according to my friend’s MD mom).
      We leave what we call “a little bag of crazy,” which we tape to where the back pocket of his trousers would be, which is where we figure he carried it.
      If there are tourists nearby we make a little speech about how Jean Drapeau liked to talk about a man having a baby.
      True story. You’re all welcome to join us next 12 august.

  • Kate 22:28 on 2023-11-07 Permalink | Reply  

    A three-year-old was shot dead Monday evening in Bois‑des‑Filion in the couronne nord. A teenager is accused of having an illegal gun, which divers are trying to find in the Rivière des Mille‑Îles.

    But what strikes me in this account is the coda, a comment from a neighbour: “Je pensais surtout que ça arriverait à Montréal, mais moins ici.”

    Which reminded me to post this Journal piece about a Léger poll which showed that barely 6% of residents of Quebec City would consider moving to Montreal while apparently 25% of us would happily move there.

    Stay weird, Montreal.

    • Kevin 22:32 on 2023-11-07 Permalink

      Montreal is increasingly diverging from the rest of the province, which is the real reason Legault is attacking English universities.

      I feel like we are living in a John Hughes movie, where all the suburban teens are afraid of “the city”.

    • Chris 00:25 on 2023-11-08 Permalink

      >“Je pensais surtout que ça arriverait à Montréal, mais moins ici.”

      A sentiment held all around the world by many small town folk towards their closest big city. i.e. not unique to Montreal (not that you said it was). (and doesn’t matter if it’s true of not, it’s a widely held view.)

    • steph 09:33 on 2023-11-08 Permalink

      Is the per capita gun violence in Montréal actually higher than the rest of the province?

    • Orr 10:19 on 2023-11-08 Permalink

      I’d totally move to Quebec city.
      Outdoor recreation opportunities on its doorstep are incomparable.
      And Gaspésie /maritime Quebec is 3 hours closer. <— We're a maritime province, which Montrealers tend to not know anything about.

    • MarcG 10:36 on 2023-11-08 Permalink

      A gun accidentally going off when babysitting strikes me as very suburban.

    • Em 10:57 on 2023-11-08 Permalink

      I remember when the man in Amqui deliberately ran his truck into a dozen pedestrians, and citizens quoted in news reports were saying similar things, e.g. “we’d expect to see this in Montreal, but not here.”

      Do they really think Montreal is the kind of place where things like that happen every week? Most of the big tragedies in the province in recent years have happened outside the city.

    • anton 13:12 on 2023-11-08 Permalink

      “We’re a maritime province”
      who “we”? In Montreal, “we” are an urban province.

    • Nicholas 18:18 on 2023-11-08 Permalink

      People are just bad with base rates. There are 2 million residents on the island and 2 million residents in Laurentides, Lanaudière, Mauricie, Outaouais and Abitibi-Témiscamingue combined. If the rate of murder, say, were the same, you’d have one murder on the island and one somewhere on that vast area. Chances are if you live in a North Shore suburb you are way more likely to hear about the Montreal murder than one in Joliette or Shawinigan or Val d’Or, not even counting there are way more journalists in the former. Bois-des-Filion has fewer people than Shaughnessy Village, but you hear “murder in Montreal!!!!” you think it’s rampant even if your proper comparator changes everything.

  • Kate 21:50 on 2023-11-07 Permalink | Reply  

    This is a weird one. Two brothers living in Montreal North are alleged to have kept the dead body of a missing Inuit woman on a sofa in their living room for six months. The journalists suggest that the men may have mental troubles but there’s no suggestion of homicide.

    • TS 22:36 on 2023-11-07 Permalink

      That is so sad, disgusting, and weird. Maybe I missed it but wouldn’t the body decompose and smell extremely, extremely bad (they did mention a bad smell in the article) but I thought it would be unbearable). I know of someone whose parent was found dead in their apartment recently and it was because other tenants in the building complained of a horrible smell….I was also told that it took a DNA test to confirm identity as the body had decomposed to a point where you could not recognize the individual.

    • Blork 18:51 on 2023-11-08 Permalink

      I was wondering that too. (And it is a particular smell, and once you smell it, wow you cannot un-smell it.) That said, we occasionally hear about bodies basically mummifying when left unattended, but I think that only happens under certain circumstances, like very dry air.

  • Kate 21:40 on 2023-11-07 Permalink | Reply  

    The CBC has warned the Montreal chamber of commerce that it’s facing severe cuts. Like Péladeau at the TVA cuts, Catherine Tait says the news service will be protected from the worst of it.

    • Kate 21:37 on 2023-11-07 Permalink | Reply  

      Contentious imam Adil Charkaoui is back in the news with allegations of hate speech and calls for police to investigate what he’s been saying.

      • Chris 23:22 on 2023-11-08 Permalink

        The Gazoo article quotes someone asking “How did he end up at that protest? How was he able to address a crowd in Montreal’s streets?”

        I’ve not been able to find any answer to that. Anyone?

    • Kate 21:31 on 2023-11-07 Permalink | Reply  

      Michel C. Auger digs into how the Caisse may be a good money manager but is lousy at operating a train service, especially its failures to communicate to passengers. “Les habitudes de la maison, c’est de protéger davantage la réputation de la Caisse que la sécurité du public.”

      • Uatu 18:25 on 2023-11-08 Permalink

        But I thought the private sector does everything better 😛

    • Kate 17:28 on 2023-11-07 Permalink | Reply  

      An anglo from the Townships, writing in French, questions whether French is in decline, going by census numbers from 2021.

      • Blork 10:59 on 2023-11-08 Permalink

        That’s actually a pretty good description of the situation, IMO. Unfortunately the article was written by an anglo, so it will be dismissed immediately as biased and un-seeing, or even propaganda, by those who drink the Legault Kool-aid.

    • Kate 12:37 on 2023-11-07 Permalink | Reply  

      Congregation Beth Tikvah in DDO was hit by a Molotov cocktail early Tuesday.

      Update: Radio-Canada says two DDO Jewish institutions in that location were hit.

      • JS 14:45 on 2023-11-07 Permalink

        Not the first time local Hamas supporters have tried this kind of thing here. Talmud Torah elementary school in St. Laurent was firebombed twenty years ago after Israel had zapped Sheikh Yassin.

      • Ian 21:59 on 2023-11-07 Permalink

        Lots of assumptions there, but ok.
        Does anyone have any idea why specifically DDO synagogues got hit?
        I only ask because in my neighbourhood all the Jewish organizations (mostly anyhow) are Hasidim who are also anti-Zionist so while we do have a heightened police presence in case of sub-average idiots just targetting visible Jews, there tends to be a bit less Israel-related antisemitism here.

      • MarcG 10:28 on 2023-11-08 Permalink

        The police have done very little to deter the development of neo-Nazi sentiment, and actually promote it by defending them from counter protestors when they demonstrate in public. Look at the sad case the cops came up with against Zeiger. All that reactionary bullshit overlaps with the thin blue line patches. Anti-fascists do a better job with zero resources. https://montreal-antifasciste.info/fr/2023/10/16/deux-projets-neonazis-a-quebec/

    • Kate 09:55 on 2023-11-07 Permalink | Reply  

      Cadillac Fairview was planning two new office towers downtown, but is now making them apartment rentals instead.

      • Kate 09:36 on 2023-11-07 Permalink | Reply  

        Blue collar workers in Laval are holding a 24‑hour strike.

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