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  • Kate 19:31 on 2024-04-21 Permalink | Reply  

    A demonstration Sunday on the eve of Earth Day condemned government inaction on environmental issues.

    This is really obvious, but I don’t see anyone talking about it: Governing is impossible, because on the one hand, you have to make decisions to save the environment and maintain a viable ecosystem, while on the other, you have to stimulate the economy and create jobs. There will always be an unresolvable tension between them. This hit me while looking at the vast, vast amount of junk you can buy cheap from sites like Temu and Aliexpress, and how moving all that stuff around the planet, then throwing it away, is killing us all.

    Update: Some thoughts on this in Le Devoir from William Shatner.

    • Chris 08:56 on 2024-04-22 Permalink

      Kate, are you advocating that we live with no phone, no lights, no motor car, not a single luxury like Robinson Crusoe, as primitive as can be?! 🙂

      Everyone wants trinkets, and those same people vote in the governments. Until the consequences are so bad that action will be too late, I doubt it will change. 🙁

    • Kate 09:17 on 2024-04-22 Permalink

      It’s going to take a violent crisis to make us act on the environmental consequences of our lifestyle, and by then it will probably be too late. The massive forest fires haven’t persuaded us to change a thing.

      My folks were old, and I heard about “the war” all the time. Did you know that people here endured some amount of food rationing, and put up blackout curtains for a time, for fear of Nazi invasion? Obviously the situation wasn’t like actually being under bombardment in Britain at the time, and some of it may have been performative or done to show solidarity, but it was done. When people need to act collectively in response to a threat, we can do it.

      We’re even forgetting what it was like during that first year of Covid, when there wasn’t a vaccine yet and most of us tacitly agreed that we needed to shut some things down, avoid gathering in groups, change our behaviour in public. Yes, some idiots complained, but most of us complied, because the threat was present and imminent. We still don’t feel that yet about the environment, and even people with kids and grandchildren are still blithely going about consuming and travelling and eating as if there’s no tomorrow. And none of our leaders is strong enough to inspire change, because they’re afraid of damage to the economy.

    • steph 10:20 on 2024-04-22 Permalink

      We don’t have to end consumerism completely. The government could pass laws against engineered obsolescence. The government could pass more laws against single use products and products made of such shoddy quality that end up being single use. As a consumer – do your part and actually stop buying that useless junk.

      We managed to pass laws against pesticides and herbicides. Generally suburban lawns now look gross without these supplements. I think we’re doing fine as a society with ugly lawns.

    • Kate 11:24 on 2024-04-22 Permalink

      And we really managed (via the Montreal protocol) to phase out the chemicals that were destroying the ozone layer. That’s a positive thing to have linked, however tenuously, to the city.

    • Ian 17:37 on 2024-04-23 Permalink

      In my teenage years we were all convinced we would be obliterated in a minutes-long nuclear war and those few unlucky survivors would be suffering radiation exposure and nuclear winter. The end of civilization as we know it, to say the very least.

      In comparison, walking back from climate catastrophe seems a lot more plausible.

  • Kate 17:40 on 2024-04-21 Permalink | Reply  

    The first of what’s meant to be 200 container redeeming centres has opened in Montreal after a fair bit of fuss.

    • steph 21:42 on 2024-04-21 Permalink

      quick question: Does Dollarama provide refunds on the deposits? I’ve never seen anyone returning cans there for a refund. They do charge a deposits

    • thomas 09:29 on 2024-04-22 Permalink

      The lsites that provide refunds on deposits can be found here https://consignaction.ca/carte-des-lieux-de-retour/

      Dollarama is included.

    • Bert 13:01 on 2024-04-22 Permalink

      I was in a SAQ when this scheme was coming in. The customer in front of me was told ” go to that supermarket over there to get your refunds.” Must be nice for supermarket owners to loose money. That same supermarket owner told me a story that happened to him during the Marco spruce beer shutdown. Unaware of the upcoming bankruptcy / closure they were flooded by returns for the snap-top bottles. Typically 1$ each. These returns were coming in from dépaneurs and the like, who knew they were never going to get their money from Marco.

      IMO, with basically everyone having access to recycling, the whole deposit thing should just be scrapped.

    • carswell 13:17 on 2024-04-22 Permalink

      IMO, with basically everyone having access to recycling, the whole deposit thing should just be scrapped.

      One of the main reasons the province is pushing people toward this “solution” and the SAQ stopped advocating for a curbside recycling-only approach is that selective collection wasn’t/isn’t an optimal or even viable solution for every material that ends up in green bins, especially glass, which needs to be sorted by colour if it is to have much if any resale value, if it’s not going to end up in landfill. That proved impossible with curbside recycling.

    • Ian 08:14 on 2024-04-23 Permalink

      According to this article from a year ago most of it ends up in landfill anyway.

      “Three years after the inauguration of the Lachine sorting center in the west of Montreal, the machinery to improve glass recycling no longer works, leading to thousands of tons of glass ending up in landfills every year. “

  • Kate 08:48 on 2024-04-21 Permalink | Reply  

    CBC is producing terse videos it’s calling podcasts, recently on squatting in Montreal, the Golden Square Mile, and why apartments are rented without appliances. But you’ll have to sit through a commercial first – I got one of those tedious muscular ads for an SUV.

    • saintjacques 08:53 on 2024-04-21 Permalink

      The videos are an adaptation of an actual CBC podcast; each audio episode runs roughly 18-24 minutes in length. And, in my experience, the audio feed doesn’t add in any advertisements.

    • Ephraim 08:57 on 2024-04-21 Permalink

      Better rented without appliances than the German way… without a kitchen.

    • Ian 12:11 on 2024-04-21 Permalink

      Or light fixtures!

    • Blork 14:25 on 2024-04-21 Permalink

      When I click through to the item about appliances I get a CBC page with an audio player and no ad.

    • Kate 15:59 on 2024-04-21 Permalink

      I wanted to link 3 pieces and I guess I got the third one wrong. Sorry.

    • jeather 10:32 on 2024-04-22 Permalink

      I have found about half the “Good Question Montreal” podcasts to get (poorly timed) ads in the middle of the episode, and half are ad-free.

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