Hot days coming
Temperatures have been quite pleasant lately but if you take a peek at the weather forecast for next week, you’ll see a high of 36°C predicted for Tuesday. That could break records.
…Friday morning, next week’s highs were adjusted down to 33°. Still hot, though.
Some weather notes from CTV.
Kevin 21:44 on 2024-06-13 Permalink
Yeah, I’ll be setting up the AC Sunday…
jeather 11:15 on 2024-06-14 Permalink
I guess 36 is better than 33 but I’m going to melt.
Blork 11:25 on 2024-06-14 Permalink
jeather, I think you’re already melting because you said that backwards. 🙂
jeather 11:31 on 2024-06-14 Permalink
You’re quite right, whoops.
central dogma 16:09 on 2024-06-14 Permalink
time to hide in my gloomy chilly basement.
Ian 17:32 on 2024-06-14 Permalink
Sounds like a good day to catch up on my hanging out at the library.
Kate 21:23 on 2024-06-14 Permalink
Not a bad idea. I don’t have AC, and although my place tends to be tolerable with windows open and blinds closed, 33° is pushing it.
Mozai 12:37 on 2024-06-15 Permalink
I broke down and got a portable A/C unit — weird windows means no window-box. During a heat wave it pulls a litre of water every 1-2 hours out of the ambient air; can’t leave it running all night because I have to empty the bucket every few hours.