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  • Kate 10:37 on 2024-09-01 Permalink | Reply  

    Spotted a reference this morning to this recent Youtube video showing a lot of Montreal’s curb extensions/bulb-outs or what the creator calls daylighting. It’s nice to see a lot of them all at once.

    • Nicholas 14:32 on 2024-09-01 Permalink

      Daylighting is the practice of restricting cars from near intersections, improving sightlines so pedestrians and cyclists are more visible to drivers. It can use curb extensions or bump outs, but can also just use paint or no parking signs. Great video!

    • Meezly 16:40 on 2024-09-01 Permalink

      Secondary benefits are the lovely bulb-out gardens, which not only beautifies the streets, but provide a bit of green space and pollen for the bees, esp. if its native flora. It’s made such a difference in our neighbourhood. Most of the plants I’ve seen seem to be native to Canada, though not sure about the cosmos. Whenever I see the city workers tending and maintaining the bulb out gardens, they’re always chatting and enjoying themselves, so it must be an enviable job!

    • Uatu 17:48 on 2024-09-01 Permalink

      Also helps soak up and reduce rainwater that would be heading into the drain

    • DeWolf 11:26 on 2024-09-02 Permalink

      @Meezly Cosmos are native to Mexico but there’s one species that is naturalized here. It’s an annual but they can spread through self-sowing which explains why you see them growing out of cracks in the pavement and in other places where they clearly weren’t intended to be. They’re one of the best things about late August/early September IMO.

    • Kate 14:32 on 2024-09-02 Permalink

      I agree with DeWolf about cosmos. Some of the sidewalks in Villeray have spectacular cosmos gardens, and the bees like them too.

    • Ian 20:22 on 2024-09-03 Permalink

      My great-grandmother’s favourite flowers, and my grandmother’s. I make a point of putting the seeds from spent blossoms on the ground so they don’t get wasted on the sidewalks. There are some impressively tall cosmos forests this year!

  • Kate 09:20 on 2024-09-01 Permalink | Reply  

    An earthquake registering 4.6 was felt at 5:43 Sunday morning, pinpointed to a spot south of Lac St‑Pierre. Official record.

    • Blork 13:37 on 2024-09-01 Permalink

      You know how sometimes you talk about something obscure, like tartan suspenders, and the next day you see ads for tartan suspenders in your FB feed?

      Last night at dinner my spouse mentioned something about earthquakes and I said “We haven’t had an earthquake for a while. Ha ha! Imagine if we had an earthquake tonight!”

      Draw your own conclusions.

    • Kate 14:52 on 2024-09-01 Permalink

      You mean it’s time for Blork to buy himself a pair of tartan suspenders?

  • Kate 08:27 on 2024-09-01 Permalink | Reply  

    The tenants’ group RCLALQ estimates that Quebec has done little to reduce the dominance of short‑term rentals here, as Airbnb numbers continue to rise.

    • Kate 07:59 on 2024-09-01 Permalink | Reply  

      There’s a man whose job is to keep pests out of the Biodôme.

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