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  • Kate 21:40 on 2024-11-03 Permalink | Reply  

    Projet Montréal held a party congress over the weekend and adopted a program that continues trends that it’s been working on for two terms, with no surprises.

    • Kate 13:10 on 2024-11-03 Permalink | Reply  

      TVA reports that praying was tolerated Saturday morning at Trudeau airport. The airport has a prayer room but it isn’t accessible from international departures, so a group of Muslims asked for a little space, put down a carpet, and did their salah right there. TVA got a disobliging comment from a Parti Québécois MNA but it isn’t otherwise obvious why this was considered news.

      • Uatu 16:50 on 2024-11-03 Permalink

        As if anyone noticed. Everyone’s face is buried in their phone lol

      • Kate 13:34 on 2024-11-04 Permalink

        I don’t know when some Québécois are going to realize that because they share a collective memory of a time when religion dominated this society, it doesn’t mean that anytime somebody performs a religious observance, it’s a potential threat.

    • Kate 13:05 on 2024-11-03 Permalink | Reply  

      Anglo school boards are holding elections Sunday.

      • Kate 10:41 on 2024-11-03 Permalink | Reply  

        Académie de Roberval is a big school building located behind Jean‑Talon hospital in Villeray. It’s been boarded up for years, so students who are nominally enrolled there have been going to classes – sometimes in cramped windowless classrooms – at Georges‑Vanier high school instead. Many will graduate never having set foot in their school, and they’d like something more than empty promises that it will be revived.

        • Kate 10:20 on 2024-11-03 Permalink | Reply  

          Most of the metro system was down for more than an hour Sunday morning, but it was back before 7 – and this following after a long shutdown on Friday.

          Sunday’s outage was blamed on the computer system. I wonder how old the metro computers are, and what OS they’re running.

          • Ian 19:47 on 2024-11-03 Permalink

            Cobol haha
            Srsly though I remember there was a big upgrade from NT some years back so I assume Windows whatever. I’m sure they’re out of date but for control systems that’s not always a bad thing as stability is key, and they basically do the same thing all day every day. It’s the same reason there really is so much cobol still in use.

        • Kate 10:18 on 2024-11-03 Permalink | Reply  

          Six vehicles were firebombed Sunday morning in the industrial part of TMR.

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