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  • Kate 14:23 on 2024-11-05 Permalink | Reply  

    CBC has a video report about a rooster rescued at Sault‑au‑Recollet cemetery and brought to the SPCA. Dark hints about candles and “mysterious objects” suggest somebody experimenting with ritual magic around Samhain, or possibly voodoo.

    • yasymbologist 15:41 on 2024-11-05 Permalink

      good try. but I personally don’t think it was an effective ritual at all. because the metropolitans are charged with modern (or postmodern to be accurate) atheist conventions, to which everybody act accordingly. those ancient supernatural elements just cannot find a foothold here, even if they try to summon it in eerie places like a cemetery.
      but I believe this deed did splatter a little magical colors to this boredom of concrete and steel.

    • Blork 18:48 on 2024-11-05 Permalink

      The above comment makes no sense at all and reads like it was written by a LLM bot that was trained on nothing but third-rate academic papers.

    • walkerp 18:55 on 2024-11-05 Permalink

      No, it’s the post of an occult practitioner trying to make us think that they aren’t out there, playing with dark magics. We know and we are watching.

    • yasymbologist 19:43 on 2024-11-05 Permalink

      Haha, sorry for my deviance. and a little more output from my badly tuned LLM:

      I know real ‘occult’ stuff happening to my close family members, seen with my own eyes,heard with my own ears, collectively remembered with others. The locales, however, were limited to the frontier zones, where the wild nature and human world were still colliding with each other, and rules were menacingly ambiguous.

      Another thing I still recall clearly is that nobody could have any fun when those stuff happened, even the ‘shamans’ good at their job (also recompensed with good human money) got well tormented.

      Those memories are more like thrill movies to me now. Safe, nostalgic, and sometimes noteworthy. I know, from heart, real exorcists in this modern world seldom get invition to big cities.

    • Ian 19:37 on 2024-11-06 Permalink

      I don’t practice santeria, I ain’t got no crystal ball
      I use chatgpt to parse my memories
      And bloviate them all

  • Kate 09:58 on 2024-11-05 Permalink | Reply  

    A truck turning from Park onto Bernard knocked down an 11‑year‑old kid Monday evening, and the kid has died. Global specifies it was a boy and CTV later reports it was a child from the Hasidic community.

    • walkerp 10:08 on 2024-11-05 Permalink

      So awful and sad.

    • Kate 10:14 on 2024-11-05 Permalink

      It is.

    • Joey 11:46 on 2024-11-05 Permalink

      This is awful. Second death on that corner in a few years, eh? How many more election cycles does Projet Montreal need to win in the borough or the city to finally improve pedestrian safety on major streets? Why is Parc Avenue treated like a highway from Pine to Jean-Talon?

    • Meezly 15:39 on 2024-11-05 Permalink

      A parents nightmare. My kid is the same age and likes to wear dark colours now that she’s older. Visibility was bad yesterday, not to mention it was extra dark the evening after daylight savings.

    • Kate 15:41 on 2024-11-05 Permalink

      A driver not ready for full darkness, plus a kid dressed mostly in black – that’s a bad combination, you’re right.

    • Joey 19:32 on 2024-11-05 Permalink

      We’ve discussed it before, but the new street lights really make visibility worse. They are brighter but concentrate their light more narrowly, which means more parts of the area are darker than before and the contrast between lit and dark areas is more intense.

    • Ian 19:35 on 2024-11-05 Permalink

      And it was raining at 7:30 when the accident happened, so visiblity was even worse. It was a delivery truck, of course – in this area there are tons of them and they treat road laws pretty loosely, whether driving or parking on corners to load & unload or randomly double parking wherever.

      One thing that would make a really big difference would be to normalize the lights – Mont-Royal is an extended light, Fairmount is advanced pedestrian, St V is nothing in particular, and Bernard is extended north/south turn for east-west drivers… if they were all advanced pedestrian or even bettter, scrambles, that would help a lot.

      If the cops actually enforced road laws on delivery drivers that would help even more. There have been cops parked around the neighbourhood since Oct. 7 “to make their presence visible” as the one I asked explained. Parked right across from the butcher at Hutchison and Bernard, where there is almost always a delivery van or customer parked illegally, all day long, one after the other, and the cops don’t do a f*ing thing. No wonder delivery trucksact like they own the road.

    • Ian 19:40 on 2024-11-05 Permalink

      @Joey you are absolutely right, the one video I watched with the Hatzoloh guy that was being interviewed mentioned this specifically. Our borough councillors have been aware of this complaint for years, and for all the work on traffic slowing with bulbout gardens and whatnot they seem utterly disinterested in dealing with this more obvious problem. It’s one of those ongoing local issues like how delivery trucks get away with doing whatever they want including idling, double parking, blocking sidewalks, etc.

    • Joey 16:15 on 2024-11-07 Permalink

      It also doesn’t take much rain to create perfect conditions for hydroplaning. It’s not inconceivable that the driver saw the victim but was unable to stop because the road had fresh rain on it. This is not an excuse – all drivers, but especially truck drivers, need to be held accountable for their vehicles in all conditions – but even cautious, aware drivers can wind up in unexpected conditions all the time. The more you think about it, the more insane driving seems. It’s amazing there aren’t more accidents.

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