A young man accused of causing a fatal collision on the Turcot in June has been arrested. After the crash, Yasser Laroui is said to have fled the scene and left for Algeria, but returned to Canada not long ago.
Since 2022, Laroui has violated the Highway Code and municipal regulations 37 times, but he still had his licence.
CTV says in addition that Laroui was found with car theft tools on him, but the car he was driving wasn’t stolen and he has no criminal record.
Major Annoyance 00:44 on 2024-11-07 Permalink
Can we not just kill off all of our white-bread police and fire departments already?
They tire me so much now, these racist piles of white puke. What the fuck is wrong with our society, that we continually fail to deal with the gigantic in-your-face racist white defectives that are our supposed public security departments? How long is it going to take to get us up to 2024 re normal public-service hiring practices?
Kate 09:12 on 2024-11-07 Permalink
I don’t see where racism comes into this specific story. If this young guy is guilty of road racing (in a rented vehicle), crashing and leaving his friend to die, as alleged, then he should have his licence taken away and he should do time for hit and run. His race or nationality doesn’t enter into it.
Blork 10:43 on 2024-11-07 Permalink
Not only the fatal road racing hit-and-run incident; he’s been nailed for road safety violations 37 times since 2022. 37 times! And he’s only 21! The guy is a menace and should never be allowed behind the wheel again.
jeather 11:24 on 2024-11-07 Permalink
What’s weird is that I know people who have lost their license for a lot less. (Deservedly! But less. Before the hit and run/street racing, that is.)
Kevin 12:15 on 2024-11-07 Permalink
People who rack up large numbers of road violations never stop driving because they count on never being caught.
And authorities are incredibly slow to act.
We need to alter laws to seize their vehicles, seize their bank accounts, give them ankle monitors or throw them in jail.
jeather 15:12 on 2024-11-07 Permalink
I might not go that far in the beginning, but we absolutely need more robust laws for losing a license more easily — and to be sure we follow through on taking away licenses.
I have wondered: let’s say I am the sole owner of a car, and I lose my license. My car is, of course, legal for other people to drive. I know police officers have a license plate scanner — but do they scan for plates owned by people who can’t legally drive? Are they allowed to stop my car to see who is driving it in the absence of a driving violation?
Nicholas 22:53 on 2024-11-07 Permalink
I’ve said this before, but if you kill someone with your car, you should never be allowed to operate a car again. Sadly many people, including judges, prosecutors and politicians, don’t agree with me. We can argue about prison based on intent, recklessness, negligence, etc. But the government should sanction deadly drivers by forbidding them from driving, not sanction them to continue to drive.