Updates from November, 2024 Toggle Comment Threads | Keyboard Shortcuts

  • Kate 22:08 on 2024-11-24 Permalink | Reply  

    Voilà, the 2025 weblog calendar. This is not the final, but is posted here for comment.

    The art is all paintings that are tagged “public domain” from the McCord-Stewart museum website.

    I’ve added more historical dates.

    The comments are from late 2022 to the present, as I didn’t do a calendar for 2024. Since the layout needs terse text clippings, and since some of us write more aphoristically than others, some commenters may seem disproportionately represented. This is no shade on those who feel they haven’t been quoted: if you feel you wrote something sparkling that I missed, please let me know.

    Likewise, if I’ve used an excerpt you’d rather wasn’t included, please let me know.

    • Ian 22:52 on 2024-11-24 Permalink

      Lovely art choices!

    • Kevin 23:29 on 2024-11-24 Permalink

      This is beautiful and a reminder that I need to throw some money at you because you make being online so pleasant.

    • GC 09:14 on 2024-11-25 Permalink

      Thanks so much. Looks great. I imagine it’s a big time suck just to go through and find the comments to use. (Maybe you flag them as the year goes on, for future consideration…but that’s kind of just spreading the work out…)

    • Kate 10:39 on 2024-11-25 Permalink

      Mostly I don’t flag as I go along. It’s an interesting exercise to go back through two years of the blog, ponder what has changed and what hasn’t, what issues sparked commentary, even who used to be a prolific commenter but no longer is.

    • MarcG 11:03 on 2024-11-25 Permalink

      Looks great. I went down the rabbit hole of today’s “Prince of Wales opens Crystal Palace, 1860” note and learned a few things, thanks!

      I noticed 2 little things: There’s a duplicate comment in Jan and Mar (“spent fifteen wonderful years…”), and a typo in marko’s comment (“and don’t event attempt to to come”) in Jul, but maybe you leave typos on purpose.

    • Kate 11:07 on 2024-11-25 Permalink

      MarcG, I’d already spotted that duplicated comment and replaced the second with a different text. I’ve fixed the other one, thank you!

      The most ridiculous typo I had initially was “2024” on the front cover but that’s fixed now too.

    • JP 11:12 on 2024-11-25 Permalink

      Love it too! I hope to print it on glossy paper. How do we donate/contribute? Is it via the “Become a Patron” button at the top?

    • Ephraim 11:19 on 2024-11-25 Permalink

      OMG… I think I became the king of pithy sayings 😀

    • Tim S. 11:43 on 2024-11-25 Permalink

      Looks great! I spent some time last night digging through the archives trying to find the context for some of the comments, and indeed it’s interesting how fast or slowly our concerns change.

    • Kate 11:57 on 2024-11-25 Permalink

      JP, there’s no charge for the calendar, and I have no way to accept one-time payments via Patreon, which is totally set up for regular micropayments. Thank you.

      And thank you all. I’m leaving the current version up for now, so if anyone has any comment or correction, please don’t hesitate to tell me. I’ll declare the calendar finalized in a few days.

    • Jessica Noras 13:53 on 2024-11-25 Permalink

      But can’t we just do an Interac etransfer? It seems to me some of us did that last year.

    • Kate 14:29 on 2024-11-25 Permalink

      I would gratefully accept one-time contributions.

      Please email me at the web address mtlweblog@gmail.com and I will send the address for Interac.

    • Blork 14:30 on 2024-11-25 Permalink

      There’s a wee typo in Joey’s January comment (two different bracket styles used):

      {on Royalmount] Who exactly is taking their luxury purchases home …

    • Janet 15:09 on 2024-11-25 Permalink

      I love this year’s theme with the Montreal paintings. And am honoured to see that I’ve finally made it into your quotes. I also understand that the shorter my comments, the more likely I am to appear in next year’s edition…

    • Tee Owe 15:12 on 2024-11-25 Permalink

      Me too 🙂

    • Kate 15:49 on 2024-11-25 Permalink

      2026 calendar quote: “Me too – Tee Owe, 2024-11-25”

      Thanks, Blork.

    • walkerp 21:25 on 2024-11-25 Permalink

      Really lovely! Thanks for this. I try not to read ahead so each month is a bit of a surprise, but it’s tough. You are quite smart to incorporate our quotes. Excellent way to build engagement! 🙂

  • Kate 18:29 on 2024-11-24 Permalink | Reply  

    There’s a special weather statement for Tuesday: “Up to 5 centimetres of snow, freezing rain and rain.”


    • Mare 01:57 on 2024-11-25 Permalink

      5 cm! Shudder!

    • Kate 09:33 on 2024-11-25 Permalink

      The forecast for Tuesday has changed to just rain now, although there are little snowflakes toward the end of the week. Radio‑Canada now says there may be a little freezing rain in the morning.

      I went to rummage my shovel out of the back shed and brought a heavy object down on my head, brilliant start to the season.

  • Kate 12:31 on 2024-11-24 Permalink | Reply  

    One of the people filmed in Friday night’s demonstration downtown was allegedly the franchise owner of a Second Cup branch at the Jewish General. The chain describes the person as recorded “en train de tenir des propos haineux et de faire des gestes inappropriés” – social media say they were shouting about a final solution and doing Nazi salutes. This person has lost their franchise. No name is given.

    Report from the Gazette on the Second Cup story. and later from Radio‑Canada.

    • Ephraim 13:45 on 2024-11-24 Permalink

      Her name is very easy to find. I think she’s in for a LOT more trouble, because both hate speech and support of a terrorist organization are considered immigration fraud. And all immigrants are subject to have their status revoked for immigration fraud.

    • nau 13:46 on 2024-11-24 Permalink

      It now says at the bottom of the article: Rectificatif: Une version précédente de ce texte faisait référence à la manifestation contre l’OTAN de vendredi soir. Nos excuses, which I interpret as meaning it wasn’t related to the demonstration.

    • Spi 15:57 on 2024-11-24 Permalink

      There were multiple protests going on, one could argue they can all be placed under the same umbrella. There was Palestinian support protest (and corresponding counter-protest) at Concordia, while the Anti-NATO protest happened at place d’armes and that got a bit more out of hand.

    • Kate 19:07 on 2024-11-24 Permalink

      Ephraim, you know she’s an immigrant?

    • Ephraim 20:48 on 2024-11-24 Permalink

      Personally, no. But there were several posts that suggested she was.

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