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  • Kate 10:56 on 2024-12-14 Permalink | Reply  

    Two MUHC anesthesiologists have been suspended for practices not adhering to standards, and two more will be up before the disciplinary board next year.

    The National Post reports on a Montreal man who died of an aneurysm after giving up on the ER following a six‑hour wait. Which hospital is not reported, but more than half this piece tells about the subject’s long history with addiction. Story also from TVA.

    A family wants to sue the Royal Vic because a woman died following a routine operation in 2021.

    The ELNA clinic network, some private and some public, is on the brink of bankruptcy.

    • DavidH 11:41 on 2024-12-14 Permalink

      Don’t all these people realize the REAL problem is someone might want to pray in a grocery aisle someday?!

    • Kevin 14:01 on 2024-12-14 Permalink

      Sometimes the answer really is “sit there and wait for several hours, because the doctor has to deal with the people who are this instant much closer to dying”

    • Kate 14:34 on 2024-12-14 Permalink

      There was a pointed post about how triage works in reddit’s montreal sub in response to this story.

    • Uatu 15:33 on 2024-12-14 Permalink

      It’s also notable that the cutting corners by anesthesiologists and lack of communication in the ER happened before the 1.5 billion dollars they want to cut. Can’t wait to see how situation will now improve. Also ELNA bought out the Brunswick medical group which also ran a failed private children’s clinic right next door to the MUHC. Now they’re going bankrupt too. So private system is a loser as well. Great. So glad we have a private system top gun running the show now! Good job Dube! Lol

    • Meezly 18:56 on 2024-12-14 Permalink

      He noted “he felt pain on the left side of his chest, nausea, and his skin was clammy”, not to mention having slight difficulty breathing. Even someone like myself without any medical experience would’ve considered these symptoms fairly serious. Maybe they thought, he’s only 39, looks healthy. Sad knowing his death could’ve been prevented.

    • Kevin 21:56 on 2024-12-14 Permalink

      He had multiple exams ruling out a heart attack before he was told to stay and wait. Instead he left.

    • Meezly 11:43 on 2024-12-15 Permalink

      They didn’t do a blood test nor take an X-ray. The only exam they did was the electrocardiogram, which ruled out heart attack. But his symptoms also point to a stroke. The hospital probably thought he was young and fit enough to be de-prioritized. I think if he was older, they might’ve done a CT or MRI and would’ve caught the aneurysm.

    • JP 19:51 on 2024-12-15 Permalink

      I don’t even think an electrocardiogram rules out a heart attack completely either. My dad passed the electrocardiogram (they said his heart was fine) at a local ER and still had a heart attack a few months later. A friend’s friend who is a cardiology nurse at the heart institute told me what they should’ve also done (which I admit I no longer recall). In any case, I don’t know that these things are so straightforward…

  • Kate 10:27 on 2024-12-14 Permalink | Reply  

    The city has acknowledged some of the blame for the death of firefighter Pierre Lacroix in a bungled river rescue on the Lachine rapids in 2021. The rescue boat was known to be substandard and the men were not well trained for that kind of work.

    • Kate 10:20 on 2024-12-14 Permalink | Reply  

      The price for the new sewage treatment plant in Pointe‑aux‑Trembles continues to rise, and it won’t be in operation till 2028 at the earliest.

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