Quebec is about to launch its new flood zone maps which many fear will reduce their property values. Do they really want the government to soft‑pedal the facts while the climate keeps changing? (Yes, of course they do.)
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Le Devoir is presenting the kind of stats that are a little soft around the edges, but nonetheless suggest a happier Quebec than a quarter century ago.
A man was found dead Sunday morning on Place Simon‑Valois in Hochelaga. This isn’t being reported as possible homicide, but as a case of hypothermia, and Radio‑Canada makes it clear this was an unhoused person.
CBC has statements from borough mayor Pierre Lessard‑Blais and the city’s committee member for homelessness.
A few days ago after the story broke about Quebec’s power deal with Newfoundland, I posted about it, and twice used the word “Newfie” in an adjectival sense.
I did not intend this word as an insult or a slur, but have been informed that it is indeed a deeply offensive slur, which I am old and cranky enough not to have realized.
I will leave the previous post up for a few hours as penance, displaying my ignorance, then I will edit or delete it, and promise never to use this word again. And I apologize.
Well, as an ethnic Newfie, I was not at all offended.
The usual penance for this cultural infraction is that you will be required to watch ten episodes of Codco.
I wouldn’t even know where to find Codco episodes now.
All the funniest ones from Codco when on to this Hour has 22 Minutes so you could probably sub in that, there must be some one youtube.
A friend of mine from Newfoundland told me this one:
What’s black and blue and floats in St John’s harbour?
A mainlander that was after telling Newfie jokes at the bar.CE
I’ve found that generally the only people offended by the use of the term “Newfie” are people who themselves are not from Newfoundland.
CE, a regular reader emailed me to say he was originally from Newfoundland and found the term offensive.
My only defence is that I wasn’t intending the word to be demeaning or jocular, but I can see that it’s not a good position to take.
I am also originally from Newfoundland and think that as with many other group descriptors that can be derogatory (or worse) when outsiders use them, it’s a term only Newfoundlanders themselves should use.
When it’s a term that is frequently found paired with jokes about low intelligence, that’s a pretty clear indicator.
Can’t say I can ever recall hearing the term Newfie in any context other than joking around (from mild teasing to full on insulting)… Like they don’t call people from the Rock “Newfies” on the news, right? Clearly there’s no malicious intent from you, Kate, and ‘Newfoundlander’ is a bit of a mouthful, but I think you’ve acted appropriately here.
Maybe we’ll eventually get an irked Labradorean griping about Kate calling the province simply Newfoundland when clearly the power is being produced on the mainland…
(As a bonus, note that the 2nd google result for “Newfoundland the rock” is “‘The Rock’ is derogatory”.)
nau, I’d already gone back to the original, offensive post and renamed the province “Newfoundland and Labrador” on first mention.
All four lines of the metro were halted for an hour Saturday evening by a release of pepper spray at Place‑des‑Arts. Both these items suggest there was a scuffle between two groups of young people, but there have been no arrests.
It’s kind of surprising that all 4 lines had to be shut down. For emergency purposes (like this) I’m surprised there isn’t more effective venting, like in case of fire.