Black Rose Books: a history
The Montreal Review of Books has an interesting history of lefty publishers Black Rose Books, marking 50 years this year.
The Montreal Review of Books has an interesting history of lefty publishers Black Rose Books, marking 50 years this year.
Michael Black 10:47 on 2019-06-15 Permalink
There was an early sixties magazine, “Our Generation against Nuclear War” or something. I thought that was Dimitri’s entry into publishing. It was a more general left mag in the seventies, titled just “Our Generation”. But I thought it was attached to Black Rose then , running excerpts from the books.
In August 1977 they opened the bookstore on St Lawrence Blvd. Fifty years after the execution of Sacco & Vanzetti. They had a wine & cheese party, contrasting with the politics, but I was ten or more years younger.