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  • Kate 08:57 on 2024-04-27 Permalink | Reply  

    A worker died in an accident in the Port of Montreal Friday, so the CNESST is looking into the circumstances.

    • Kate 08:49 on 2024-04-27 Permalink | Reply  

      The STM says that free transit for the 65+ contingent has been positive, increasing the use of transit by 15% to 20% in that age group.

      • Kate 21:06 on 2024-04-26 Permalink | Reply  

        There was a scare on Friday afternoon in Rosemont after someone reported seeing sticks of dynamite outside a dépanneur. People nearby were evacuated and the bomb squad arrived. Police say the material was harmless but it’s not entirely clear whether it actually was dynamite. The Gazette report called it “dynamite-like sticks” but they’ve put it behind their paywall.

        • Kate 12:50 on 2024-04-26 Permalink | Reply  

          Verdun borough is planning to demolish the Natatorium, the Art Deco swimming facility on its western waterfront.

          • Jim Strankinga 16:09 on 2024-04-26 Permalink

            I always liked that building. It always gave me a special feeling when swimming there, some deep down fifties movie vibe. It would be very sad if they’d demolish it. Seems swimming pools are doomed in Montreal lately.

          • Tee Owe 16:29 on 2024-04-26 Permalink

            It seems a shame but given the structural problems, inevitable – what about replacement ‘la Ville planche sur un projet de remplacement’ OK. any details?

        • Kate 11:59 on 2024-04-26 Permalink | Reply  

          The Journal’s Bureau d’Enquête says that the $870 million cited to bring the Olympic stadium up to snuff omitted ventilation, lighting, power and sound and that the true invoice will be closer to $1 billion.

          • Kevin 12:20 on 2024-04-26 Permalink

            And this estimate doesn’t even include the upgrades necessary to make it useful as a place for concerts or events with people in the stands.

            I predict they’re going to end up building another stadium inside the Big O, maybe 30,000 seats.

          • Kevin 16:04 on 2024-04-26 Permalink

            Even more depressing is OIB chief Michel Labrecque admitting the $2 billion figure for demolishing the stadium is completely made up by spitballing the price of demolishing the Champlain Bridge and redoing all waterproofing for the metro stations.

            I’ll point out demolishing the bridge was $225 million. “Sanitary measures” were another $175 million.

        • Kate 10:49 on 2024-04-26 Permalink | Reply  

          Weekend notes from CityCrunch, La Presse, CultMTL, The Main.

          Some notes on weekend road closures and bridge closures.

          • Kate 10:06 on 2024-04-26 Permalink | Reply  

            Backing up his minion Geneviève Guilbault, François Legault said Thursday that it’s easier for mayors to “quêter à Québec” rather than to cut their own expenses to meet their cities’ needs.

            • DeWolf 11:26 on 2024-04-26 Permalink

              Municipalities are creatures of the province, especially in Quebec, where there are even more restrictions on their powers than in other provinces.

              This is like someone tying your hands behind your back and telling you to go feed yourself.

              Meanwhile, and perhaps not coincidentally, the CAQ are third in the polls. A third referendum would be better than this disaster of a government… and maybe rents would go down too!

            • James 14:40 on 2024-04-26 Permalink

              You could certainly say the same thing about provinces begging for money from the federal government!

            • Kate 14:53 on 2024-04-26 Permalink

              I don’t think the relationship of town to province is legally the same as that of the provinces to the federation. How they can raise money, what they’re allowed to decide about, isn’t comparable.

          • Kate 09:52 on 2024-04-26 Permalink | Reply  

            There’s an inquiry whenever SPVM police are involved in a car chase, and police who were reprimanded after chasing the suspect in a parking lot murder are unhappy about this decision, saying it leaves them in operational limbo.

            • Kate 09:11 on 2024-04-26 Permalink | Reply  

              A plan to pedestrianize Old Montreal, starting with the streets around Notre‑Dame, is meeting resistance from about half the individuals surveyed, who live, work or do business in the area. Of course Ensemble doesn’t like how Projet is going about it, although they offer no better notion than waiting a year.

              • DeWolf 11:13 on 2024-04-26 Permalink

                Honestly the plan is far less ambitious than I expected. A big chunk of those streets are already pedestrianized from April to November: St-Paul, St-Vincent, Place Jacques-Cartier. The big deal here is that St-Laurent and one block of de la Commune are included, which I think is fantastic because it will make for some really nice, spacious places to walk. Otherwise, it’s a bunch of tiny streets the size of alleyways that should already have become car-free years ago.

              • DeWolf 11:16 on 2024-04-26 Permalink

                Also, lol at Ensemble’s position. Some hand-wavy statement about citizens needing to be consulted and then a demand to postpone the project.

                We can see what kind of administration Ensemble would be: a do-nothing government that kicks the ball down the road at every opportunity.

              • DeWolf 11:47 on 2024-04-26 Permalink

                There are more specific details here:


                It’s even more modest than I realized. St-Laurent and de la Commune wouldn’t be pedestrianized, they would simply have expanded space for pedestrians. Several streets with hotel access would have traffic calming measures implemented. Basically, the only sections that would be fully pedestrianized, and which aren’t already, are the little sidestreets around St-Paul East and the streets directly around Place d’Armes and the basilica.

                This is the bare minimum of what should be done in the area. And yet it’s facing opposition because apparently tourists from Ontario absolutely *need* to drive straight up to the doorstep of the Notre-Dame Basilica, otherwise they’ll stay home and we’ll lose all their business.

              • Joey 12:57 on 2024-04-26 Permalink

                This is a classic PM move – the actual policy as announced is, as DeWolf points out, very modest. So modest that, to most Montrealers, it may not even be noticeable. And not bold enough to actually reduce Old Montreal gridlock. But still modesty is required to get reactionary merchants on board. Of course, the merchants association inevfitably abandons ship and whines to the press. PM winds up looking like inconsiderate zealots, even though they took a moderate approach. If you’re gonna get all the flack, go big! Turn half the streets in Old Mtl into pedestrian-only! Restrict vehicle access to residents, delivery vehicles, and commercial vehicles (the latter two could be expected to demonstrate a waybill work order justifying their presence in Old Montreal on any given day)! Charge $10/hour for parking meters! Make transit free to and from downtown! Anyone who’s spent any time in Old Montreal the last few summers will rejoice at how it won’t be awful anymore to maneuver through endless traffic jams. And drivers will be as pissed off as if they had to sit in traffic.

                There are rare occasions where PM digs in its heels and does what it actually wants, but that’s usually when the ‘opposition’ is effectively powerless groups of citizens (e.g., JMP softball field) and/or when individual PM officials have a direct interest in the outcome (not implying corruption, more like preferences for ‘pet projects’ that aren’t necessarily disclosed).

            • Kate 08:35 on 2024-04-26 Permalink | Reply  

              Parks Canada has given in and is replacing the public trash cans along the Lachine Canal.

              • Blork 16:22 on 2024-04-26 Permalink

                True story. Years ago a friend was travelling around the small towns of Newfoundland and he needed to buy something at a corner store. I forget exactly what it was, but it was something finicky but practical, like Crazy Glue. So he goes into the only corner store in town (and for some distance) and asks for Crazy Glue. The store owner explains that he used to carry it but no longer does because people kept buying it and then he’d have to re-order and that was annoying so he stopped carrying it.

                I think that store owner now runs Parks Canada, where the solution to overflowing garbage cans is to remove the garbage cans.

                It looks like maybe he retired last week.

            • Kate 17:55 on 2024-04-25 Permalink | Reply  

              TVA says a man has put up a tent near the new Maison Benoît Labre in St‑Henri and they report that some locals are not happy with the presence of others attracted by the drug inhalation site.

              • Kate 12:39 on 2024-04-25 Permalink | Reply  

                In 2021, the CAQ announced a big project of 17 museums to glorify the culture of Quebec, to be called Espace Bleu. It was recently cancelled, but now there’s a plan to put $92 million into a history museum in Quebec City instead.

                • Ephraim 15:37 on 2024-04-25 Permalink

                  Will they finally mention that less than 20 minutes (likely just 13½ minutes) of glory the French had?

                • Blork 17:22 on 2024-04-25 Permalink

                  Soon it will be just a big room showing “Les Filles de Caleb” and “Aurore, l’enfant martyre” on continuous loop.

                • Kate 17:40 on 2024-04-25 Permalink

                  Soundbite from Legault on CBC radio says the museum will start with Champlain, and with the difficulties that the French settlers initially faced….

                • Daisy 05:25 on 2024-04-26 Permalink

                  That makes sense, since there was no one here before Champlain and the French settlers, right? And if there was, they didn’t speak French, which comes to the same thing.

              • Kate 11:08 on 2024-04-25 Permalink | Reply  

                CBC investigates how vacant buildings keep burning down. The city estimates that 800 buildings are standing empty around town.

                • Kate 09:15 on 2024-04-25 Permalink | Reply  

                  A document revealed Wednesday in the National Assembly claims that nine of our metro stations are in poor shape – but doesn’t say which ones. And once again Geneviève Guilbault washes her lily white hands.

                  • Kate 09:13 on 2024-04-25 Permalink | Reply  

                    McGill’s expansion into the old Royal Vic space will be adding a new downtown lookout and an additional access to Mount Royal park.

                    • Meezly 12:22 on 2024-04-25 Permalink

                      So the Quebec govt is “contributing $620 million of the $870-million price tag” for McGill’s New Vic project, but at the same time, it seeks to scare away out of province students with its planned tuition hikes. In other words, running the province like a business but potentially hampering economic progress due to crippling ideology.

                      But I’m looking forward to see how this development project progresses.

                    • Uatu 13:53 on 2024-04-25 Permalink

                      Should be interesting. I’m interested to see how my old department will be transformed. And I’m glad that it’s open to the public and not turned into an exclusive walled enclave of condos for rich d bags.

                    • Margaret 07:52 on 2024-04-26 Permalink

                      The Quebec Govt investing in the old Royal Vic space now does not mean it will be an anglophone university benefitting from the investment somewhere down the line if tuition fee inequities put that university and its infrastructure up for sale eventually.

                    • Joey 12:59 on 2024-04-26 Permalink

                      I like how this is turning out. Not sure that the report is accurate (McGill probably doesn’t need a huge new addition to its campus to house its sustainability and policy offerings), but whatever. As someone who argued that the old Vic should’ve been demolished and replaced by trees, I’m pleased with this second-best option.

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