Quebec has sacked Patrick Savard, who’s headed the ARTM (Autorité régionale de transport métropolitain) since 2022. According to La Presse, it’s largely because he insisted on holding two jobs – he was heading the transit authority and the Quebec order of engineers, each job paying at least $200K. His argument? Running the ARTM wasn’t a full‑time job.
A haute fonctionnaire called Ginette Sylvain will be top cat at the ARTM now.
Nicholas 23:22 on 2024-07-17 Permalink
If it wasn’t a full time job, he didn’t need a full time salary. I’m sure $20,000 a year would have been fine.
Uatu 10:20 on 2024-07-18 Permalink
This just confirms that artm was run half assed.