Developer to block West Island park
A developer who owns a key piece of the planned West Island park intends to block its creation by building 5,000 homes.
A developer who owns a key piece of the planned West Island park intends to block its creation by building 5,000 homes.
qatzelok 08:32 on 2019-06-15 Permalink
“How Laval was ruined” – Rentier Class Speculation books
Kate 10:36 on 2019-06-15 Permalink
A lot of the land out there counts as wetlands. If it’s paved over, that will increase the likelihood of flooding. But a developer with an eye on the fast buck isn’t going to give a damn about that.
Ephraim 12:37 on 2019-06-15 Permalink
Article doesn’t say about the zoning of the land. Does he actually have zoning permission? Is that land zoned residential? Just because you own land, doesn’t mean you can get planning permission to build what you want… it’s just a negotiations tactic.
Kevin 13:02 on 2019-06-15 Permalink
Looking at the map the developers have put out, much of that territory has been used as farmland but it’s not part of the permanent agricultural zone.
Developers have been buying up farmland in that area for the past 20-30 years. One of the largest remaining chunks was purchased about 8 years ago and developers then moved some of the houses on the area, literally picking them up and rolling them onto new foundations.
One guy who owned a big piece of farmland rented the area to farmers who would actually work it. He had no interest in doing so, because he ran a company that sold dental equipment.
Ephraim 16:45 on 2019-06-15 Permalink
So, if it’s zoned farmland, he can’t build those houses anyway.
Faiz Imam 16:58 on 2019-06-15 Permalink
In the previous reporting, Plante said that even if they get authorization to build (apparently they have a shot) its the citiy’s choice whether or not to build utilities to that land, and the city intends not to.
seems to be Slightly analogous to royalmount. They might build it, but it would be without water or sewage. , maybe no power(not sure where HQ fits into this)
Kate 08:24 on 2019-06-16 Permalink
That would shut them down, if the city simply shrugged and said, we regard this as wild land and have no intention to run water mains or sewer lines into the area.
Raymond Lutz 09:46 on 2019-06-16 Permalink
For a sunday dose of French « aucune transition écologique ne se fera sans contrainte. Il est temps de le dire, et de le dire clairement. Et c’est une bonne chose, que ce soit dit sur France Inter.»