Virus reveals flaws in seniors’ homes
The coming of COVID-19 has shone a harsh light on the conditions in seniors’ residences where the contagion has been rife and fatal. One private Dorval home was revealed to be so badly run that the Quebec government has taken over management: the descriptions are grim.
dwgs 09:05 on 2020-04-11 Permalink
Those stories from the Herron are horrific. Criminal charges should be laid.
Raymond Lutz 10:38 on 2020-04-11 Permalink
Reports from France are questioning a recent decree authorizing the use of a powerful sedative for aged people suffering of acute covid-19. Est-ce pour soulager les patients en fin de vie ou pour éviter que l’affluence des malades en détresse repiratoire provenant des EHPAD ne viennent allourdir le bilan déjà désastreux du gouvernement Macron? (car les vieux qui meurent en EHPAD ne sont pas comptabilisés dans les stats officielles). Governement technocrats taking over health institutions management is not a good thing per se. Soylent Green anyone?
JoeNotCharles 11:44 on 2020-04-11 Permalink
Are you saying… seniors are people?
Alison Cummins 07:05 on 2020-04-12 Permalink
Raymond Lutz,
Extrapolating from 2019’s crude death rates, over the past month about 2.6% of all deaths in Canada have been due to covid-19.
The corresponding figure for France is 26%.
The point of the lockdown is to *not* get to a point where we have terrible choices on our consciences.
Meezly 09:28 on 2020-04-12 Permalink
It would be interesting to see data comparing covid fatalities and infected between private and gov’t run senior centres. I wonder if the negligence and mismanagement at Herron had to do with it being privately run.
Raymond Lutz 09:38 on 2020-04-12 Permalink
Alison, yes, health care system saturation has dire consequences… case fatality rate goes through the roof. I remember reading transcripts of some PM Legault press conference that pre-pandemic vacant ICU beds total number (mostly in university hospitals) was about 400 beds for the province (and that they found some old, but still working respirators in storage rooms and cegeps…) “In Italy, the country outside China with the most patients with COVID-19 until March 29, 2020, up to 12% of all positive cases required ICU admission”[ 1], of course, this stat depends on age demographic and can’t be apply directly to Qc situation.