Cabs to get plexi partitions
The city’s going to help taxicab owners to add New York-style plexiglas partitions and onboard hand sanitizer and so on to protect both driver and passengers.
Item says nada about Uber. How can Uber drivers arrive at the same distancing effect?
(Airbnb. Uber. “Disruption” is looking pretty cheap now, isn’t it.)
david100 12:24 on 2020-04-18 Permalink
Huh, how did I not hear about this?:
“l’entrée en vigueur du nouveau cadre réglementaire pour les hôtes d’Airbnb, qui devront obligatoirement avoir une attestation à titre d’établissement d’hébergement touristique à partir du 1er mai prochain. Le règlement a été adopté en novembre dernier.”
“La crise de la COVID-19 ne changera pas l’entrée en vigueur du règlement prévue le 1er mai, a indiqué le cabinet de la ministre du Tourisme du Québec.”
With the state of short term rentals what it is, it’ll be tough to tease out the impact of this legislation.
We can be sure, however, that reducing airbnb – which this probably will do, at least in part – will help the hotel industry recover.
Chris 13:30 on 2020-04-18 Permalink
I hope it’s temporary, those dividers are so unpleasant and impersonal. This just might get me to join everyone else and switch to Uber.
Kate 13:47 on 2020-04-18 Permalink
Chris, those dividers are normal in New York, and people would get used to them here.
Uatu 16:37 on 2020-04-18 Permalink
I wonder how many Uber drivers will still risk their own vehicles with contamination and whether they can actually make any real money with the added cost of disinfection and driver shielding etc.
Blork 18:08 on 2020-04-18 Permalink
This might make me take taxis more. I don’t even like making small talk with people I know, let alone some taxi driver I just met.