Updates from September, 2020 Toggle Comment Threads | Keyboard Shortcuts

  • Kate 16:08 on 2020-09-16 Permalink | Reply  

    The trial has begun of Simon Brind’Amour, accused of beating his girlfriend to death two years ago and, seemingly, disposing of her in the trash. In any case, no trace has ever been found of Josiane Arguin, who had been living with him on quiet d’Anvers Street in Park Ex.

    • Kate 15:27 on 2020-09-16 Permalink | Reply  

      A vehicle has hit nine people in Montreal North. The driver hit one person, then fled, hitting eight more before stopping. Nobody is at risk of dying; apparently the driver may have lost control because of illness. Cops are questioning the driver.

      Update: As of Thursday morning, going by radio reports, it still isn’t clear whether the driver was afflicted by drugs or illness, or had driven onto the sidewalk on purpose.

      • Kate 12:54 on 2020-09-16 Permalink | Reply  

        A trendy pizzeria on Wellington that openly flouted pandemic rules has seen its booze permit suspended for 45 days although the kitchen can stay open for deliveries. Nothing about additional fines, though.

        • Kate 12:48 on 2020-09-16 Permalink | Reply  

          The Lachine marina is to close next month despite protests, although many residents of the area are in favour of the plan to create a waterside park in its place.

          • Kate 12:46 on 2020-09-16 Permalink | Reply  

            One shootout, and the head of the police brotherhood wants investigators returned to specialization on gangs and firearms, a recent reform having removed much of the manpower in that area, and the police chief is promising more neighbourhood patrols.

            • Blork 13:37 on 2020-09-16 Permalink

              I think the “one shootout” is just the most visible thing; I’m sure this has been building for a while, with more gun incidents in the past six months than what you’d normally see in a few years (I think; not entirely sure) plus an eye on Toronto which has seen a huge increase in gun crimes in the past couple of years. So maybe that shootout is a turning point, but it’s not all just because of that.

              …particularly since that one shootout was almost entirely the police doing the shooting. The perp had a six-shot revolver. Unlikely he reloaded. In the meantime, one of the cops emptied a 16-shot clip from his pistol, and at least one other cop was shooting too. What’s not clear is if the three bystanders that were hit were shot by the perp or by “friendly fire.”

            • Ephraim 18:16 on 2020-09-16 Permalink

              The question is… how many gangs and firearms are there, that they need a squad for it. Most Canadian cities don’t even have enough murders to have dedicated detectives for that anymore.

              Isn’t it odd that the police keep on reporting less and less crime and yet constantly need more and more police and army like vehicles? Or is it just me that questions it?

            • Kate 18:56 on 2020-09-16 Permalink

              It’s not just you, Ephraim. There was a whole segment on CBC radio at noon today about defunding the police here. We do have gangs and firearms to an extent and it’s probably necessary to have some cops prepared to confront the situation, but you don’t want stupid strongmen for that job, you want smart detectives.

          • Kate 09:54 on 2020-09-16 Permalink | Reply  

            In earlier times, downtown Montreal had 600,000 visitors daily, but since the pandemic this number has fallen to 50,000 people, a loss of 92%.

            • Kevin 11:29 on 2020-09-16 Permalink

              Luc Rabouin hopes that 25% of office workers will return.

              The STM is predicting it will only return to pre-pandemic ridership levels in 2023.

              It’s time to realize that we are six months into what is likely going to be a multi-year event, and that we are going to see many more lockdowns, and probably other disruptions as well.

              If the administration wants to revive the city, it’s time to create a small group of people with big ideas and excellent execution skills to understand what’s changed permanently, and how to adapt.

            • Kate 11:51 on 2020-09-16 Permalink

              I agree we need that war council. It’s time.

            • dhomas 13:38 on 2020-09-16 Permalink

              I totally read “Downtown loses 92% of footballs” in the title (I mostly read via the RSS feed, so I see the titles). 😀

              I needed to go downtown to sign a contract for a new job last Friday, and it’s actually pleasant to walk now downtown. They expanded much of the walking area into the street and added chairs and artwork on the ground. Most stores were pretty empty, but there was still somehow I lineup in front of the Apple store.
              It kinda made me want to go back to work downtown, though that is currently impossible until my parents, who are in an at-risk category, can go pick up my kids from school again.

          • Kate 08:47 on 2020-09-16 Permalink | Reply  

            Heritage Montreal is asking for private support to preserve the city’s built heritage as it launches a new web feature putting vulnerable buildings on a map.

            • Kate 08:41 on 2020-09-16 Permalink | Reply  

              With Covid rising again in Montreal, Dr Mylène Drouin is emphasizing the yellow alert means people – especially young people – need to be more careful, and is promising more testing.

              Bar owners, some of whom made expensive changes to meet earlier requirements, are unhappy about a new decree that they must close at midnight. JP Karwacki tots up a list of the bars and restaurants that have closed during the pandemic: no new shocks, as far as I can tell.

              Halloween has not yet been cancelled. I hope people are already working on their coronavirus costumes.

              • Ian 09:04 on 2020-09-16 Permalink

                I just googled “sexy virus costume” and yep, that’s my costume plans sorted out.

              • DeWolf 10:27 on 2020-09-16 Permalink

                I didn’t realize Les Fillettes has closed. That was a really nice place.

              • Jack 10:41 on 2020-09-16 Permalink

                From what I can understand going to a wedding, a big family party , a bar mitzvah, or banging out Foreigner tunes at a Karaoke Bar are the problems. Let’s not do these people.

              • Ian 11:47 on 2020-09-16 Permalink

                I have to admit I’m sad about Café Joe – I lived across the street for a couple of years in university and it was a great little neighbourhood place with really nice owners where even a broke student could afford a decent meal.

              • Ephraim 18:17 on 2020-09-16 Permalink

                2m long PVC pipes to deliver candy… 🙂

              • j2 00:14 on 2020-09-17 Permalink

                That timeout closed bar article didn’t seem to find that Smoking Vallée had been planning on closing for a while, as reported in the news, which undermines the rest of the article.

                As far as Victors tacos I haven’t stepped near it since during the first stage of re-opening when no in-dining was available the takeout option was the cook cashier and Victor, maskless, giving bizous to two young women, maskless, while we were masked and trying to order and get the eff out.

              • Kate 08:09 on 2020-09-17 Permalink

                When I was working down that way I went into Victor’s Tacos once and found they didn’t have half the things advertised on the menu. Anyway Frida’s was a couple of doors down and was so good that I never tried Victor’s again.

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