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  • Kate 21:39 on 2020-09-27 Permalink | Reply  

    It’s all over Twitter that health minister Christian Dubé said on Tout le monde en parle that Montreal and Quebec City will probably be declared red zones over the next few days.

    • Ian 08:24 on 2020-09-28 Permalink

      I misread “probably” as “permanently”. I think I need another coffee.

  • Kate 14:43 on 2020-09-27 Permalink | Reply  

    We’re coming up on 50 years since the October Crisis so we’re bound to see some items about it. This piece talks about a 25-minute documentary that will be available soon on various platforms.

    Le Devoir has a good timeline of the story and the Journal put up a photo essay recently.

    Incidentally, unless Wikipedia has missed a trick, James Cross is still alive at 98.

    • Jack 20:57 on 2020-09-27 Permalink

      Cross was Irish and like many Irishmen did not support Ireland’s neutrality in the face of Nazism. So when freedom needed defending he enlisted in the British Army. Oddly his primary kidnapper, and current columnist with the Journal de Montreal, Jacques Lanctôt, had a connection to World War II also. His father was one of Adrien Arcand’s lieutenants and was a fascist who supported Hitler.

    • Kate 21:36 on 2020-09-27 Permalink

      Jack, that’s quite a study in contrasts.

    • Jack 08:47 on 2020-09-28 Permalink

      Oddly the other kidnappers, the Cossette-Trudel’s spawned the head of the anti maskers in Quebec. Alexis who has earnestly declared that Justin Trudeau is a satanist and a pedophile, however he did not say anything about his socks.

  • Kate 14:39 on 2020-09-27 Permalink | Reply  

    A year from the massive march for the environment, have the concerns expressed then been eclipsed by Covid?

    • dmdiem 14:48 on 2020-09-27 Permalink

      One apocalypse at a time, please.

    • Meezly 08:52 on 2020-09-28 Permalink

      Indeed it has, and activists and environmentalists realize that. Many organizations have been focusing their efforts into pushing the feds for a green recovery plan.

  • Kate 12:27 on 2020-09-27 Permalink | Reply  

    The restaurant industry is flinching as the government urges us to avoid socializing to hold back the new Covid surge.

    • Kate 11:37 on 2020-09-27 Permalink | Reply  

      Quebec has recorded 896 new cases of Covid over the last 24 hours.

      • Kevin 16:53 on 2020-09-27 Permalink

        And a whole bunch more to come as kids have been exposed through school and sports teams.

      • MarcG 17:22 on 2020-09-27 Permalink

        And the nice weather this weekend surely has people throwing caution to the wind.

      • Ian 08:25 on 2020-09-28 Permalink

        It certainly did, Beaver Lake and Jarry Park were both packed as I passed them yesterday.

      • Kate 09:30 on 2020-09-28 Permalink

        The Tam-Tams were also full of people Sunday.

      • Meezly 10:40 on 2020-09-28 Permalink

        Some private event at Terrasse Thanos (formerly known as Lafayette) last night. Lots of people inside with a musician blowing on some instrument, as well as standing close together out on the sidewalk.

        From what I can see, at least 4 elementary schools on the Plateau/Outremont with Covid cases. It’s only a matter of time…

      • mare 11:21 on 2020-09-28 Permalink

        Am I the only person who “Where’s Waldo”-ed that TamTam image? (3 people with masks.)

      • Cult TV 13:38 on 2020-09-28 Permalink

        mare, that pic was taken just as everyone was taking a toke. They all put their masks on after finishing their joints.

    • Kate 10:47 on 2020-09-27 Permalink | Reply  

      France’s Le Monde has a piece on the state of Montreal’s downtown but you can’t read all of it unless you subscribe.

      • Kate 09:31 on 2020-09-27 Permalink | Reply  

        Patrick Lagacé tells a grim little story about an elderly resident in a care home in Laval who, knowing she had Covid, blithely went about without a mask, infecting several others, including a friend of hers who caught it from her and died. Lagacé is too good at this to overly emphasize that the story’s also a warning for the wider world, with a moral.

        • Meezly 11:50 on 2020-09-27 Permalink

          He’s also too good to not identify Madame L, as well as the daughter of the dead friend, who thought reckless was a better term than the too generous “rebel”. I’d be curious to know whether Madame L will be criminally liable for recklessly killing someone who contracted Covid from her.

        • Kate 12:46 on 2020-09-27 Permalink

          Hard to say, Meezly. If she stayed within the home – eating with others, having her hair done, as he describes – she may have a case that she never went outside and so didn’t have to wear a mask. Might come down to whether her home is defined as the door of her personal quarters, or the entire extent of the complex.

        • MarcG 17:23 on 2020-09-27 Permalink

          At the seniors residence I’m familiar with their policy is that you’re supposed to have a mask on outside of your apartment.

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