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  • Kate 20:59 on 2023-03-28 Permalink | Reply  

    The city will be putting up a “guichet unique” where its workers can report incidents of racism and discrimination and – if it works – have them taken seriously and properly investigated.

    • Nicholas 21:09 on 2023-03-28 Permalink

      You know racism is definitely not systemic when you need to streamline the system for gathering complaints regarding it.

  • Kate 20:02 on 2023-03-28 Permalink | Reply  

    Radio-Canada asked and answered the question what the federal budget has for Montreal, and there are several large items, like the NATO “centre of excellence” for studying climate change – first announced last June – money for bridges, roads and improving Mirabel airport. Dull but worthy stuff, all around. Metro has a slightly different list.

    A response from the mayor.

    Nora Loreto is not impressed (but I hope she’s wrong about Pierre Poilievre).

    The more general analysis of what the budget has for you is covered here and here.

    • Kate 18:52 on 2023-03-28 Permalink | Reply  

      Airbnb has removed all the listings without permits in Quebec. But see Ephraim’s comment from the weekend.

      • Ephraim 22:11 on 2023-03-28 Permalink

        I see that the listing of hosts that had illegal listings are coming up 404. And my first question is… is this to shield hosts from being audited by Revenu Quebec? Everything they do reminds me the mafia….

      • MarcG 11:33 on 2023-03-30 Permalink

        How can someone confirm that the policy number the host has added to their profile is valid?

      • Alex 13:54 on 2023-03-30 Permalink

        MarcG: My guess is that AirBnb gets an updated database and checks against that.

      • Ephraim 14:28 on 2023-03-30 Permalink

        MarcG – Call the CITQ and ask. AHQ discussed requiring a digital certificate upload, while rumors suggest RQ will have access to verify addresses against license numbers.

    • Kate 18:45 on 2023-03-28 Permalink | Reply  

      The two final victims of the Place Youville fire have been identified and this piece lists and names all seven.

      The cause of the fire has yet to be disclosed.

      Update: La Presse has brief profiles of the seven victims. Later, so do CBC and CTV.

      • Kate 10:07 on 2023-03-28 Permalink | Reply  

        Now that François Legault has denied that a lot of Quebec school buildings are in poor shape, a study shows that more than half the CHSLDs in Montreal are decrepit.

        On the weekend, La Presse’s Philippe Mercure wrote a good piece about Legault’s tendency to sow doubt about demonstrable but inconvenient facts.

        • Kate 09:41 on 2023-03-28 Permalink | Reply  

          Two men were injured Monday evening in a shooting in a location in Mercier–Hochelaga-Maisonneuve which is so obscure I don’t know what the immediate neighbourhood is called.

          Also, someone shot up a Villeray massage parlour early Tuesday, no victims.

          Do we think, when businesses or even private residences are shot up in this way, that it’s always a “message” and that the owner or resident always knows who’s done it and why, even if they decline to explain it to police? Because it happens a lot.

          • DeWolf 11:15 on 2023-03-28 Permalink

            Google Maps says that neighbourhood is called Saint-Justin, but I have no idea if that’s a name people actually use or not.

          • Kate 12:47 on 2023-03-28 Permalink

            If you click on the name Saint-Justin, it draws a dotted line around an irregular area which doesn’t include the intersections mentioned in the item, either.

          • dhomas 12:48 on 2023-03-28 Permalink

            I’m pretty sure that’s in Tétraultville.

          • Kate 15:04 on 2023-03-28 Permalink

            When I search Google Maps for Tétreaultville, it zooms in on an oblong segment of streets between Autoroute 25 and Georges‑V, all south of Sherbrooke Street, and not including the location mentioned (“boulevard Lapointe, entre les rues De Grosbois et De Forbin-Janson”) but it labels the area Mercier‑Est.

            If you frame Mercier–Hochelaga-Maisonneuve on Google Maps you’ll see subsections called Bellerive, Mercier‑Ouest, Mercier‑Est, Saint‑Justin, Longue‑Pointe, Viauville and Hochelaga, but no Tétreaultville and no Maisonneuve. Puzzling.

            So it’s quite likely that piece of town is in the unlabelled T‑ville.

          • MarcG 15:35 on 2023-03-28 Permalink

            Google maps is not amazing when it comes to borders like this, probably because they’re not etched in stone anywhere (you’ll see differening info on Wikipedia and the city website, etc). According to this it’s called Dupéré.

          • Blork 16:19 on 2023-03-28 Permalink

            The park adjacent to the shooting is Parc Dupéré. If you Google search on St-Justin, Montreal you get the same kind of highlight as if you search on Tétreaultville, and that includes this shooting area at the bottom end of it.

          • dhomas 16:28 on 2023-03-28 Permalink

            I didn’t even know Lapointe existed North of Sherbrooke, so I may have hastily assumed it was the section of street South of Sherbrooke. Then again, I also wasn’t aware that Tétraultville’s northern border was Sherbrooke. Also, of the mentioned neighbourhoods (Bellerive, Mercier‑Ouest, Mercier‑Est, Saint‑Justin, Longue‑Pointe, Viauville, Hochelaga, Tétreaultville, Maisonneuve, and Dupéré), I’d never heard of Saint-Justin and Dupéré though I’m aware of the rest. There’s a parc Dupéré right next to where the shooting took place, so it tracks.
            –Your friendly neighbourhood east-ender

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