“Not cold enough” for warming stations
CTV says the city has closed a downtown warming station because it’s not cold enough outside to warrant keeping it open.
But the item says that warming stations are only opened when it’s -27°. We haven’t had weather that cold yet this winter and quite often we never do.
Joey 00:00 on 2025-01-12 Permalink
I didn’t believe it either, but Denis Coderre flagged this as a problem when he was mayor: http://montrealgazette.com/news/local-news/refuge-from-cold-snap-sought-for-homeless-of-montreal
[Adding archived version of this story for accessibility – K.]
nau 12:08 on 2025-01-13 Permalink
Per Joey’s article, at that time, Projet was calling on Coderre to find the funds to change the opening temperature to -15° (Coderre was musing making it -20°). That higher threshold would accord with opening it around Dec. 21st and closing after Jan. 6th (though in-between the low was above -15° for some days and on Dec. 30th it was above 0°). So either CTV is out to lunch or the temperature used in practice is different from the unchanged official threshold.