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  • Kate 21:19 on 2019-12-24 Permalink | Reply  

    Nice New York Times piece on the 40 years of L’Express.

    • Kate 18:49 on 2019-12-24 Permalink | Reply  

      CBC reports on the cycling/walking path on the new bridge – text and video.

      • Kate 09:37 on 2019-12-24 Permalink | Reply  

        There’s now cell service at Radisson and Honoré-Beaugrand, so only the six stations at the western end of the green line remain to be linked up.

        • Kate 09:30 on 2019-12-24 Permalink | Reply  

          Except for that song I have no idea why the media are fixated on the requirement for a white Christmas, but they are. For those of us who get around on foot, it’s great to have no snow.

          • EmilyG 09:39 on 2019-12-24 Permalink

            A lot of people are weird. They want snow for Christmas, and then they hate snow for the rest of the winter. Maybe they should pick a side?

          • jorgh 11:18 on 2019-12-24 Permalink

            Because snow looks beautiful for Xmas? And the white brings some light in an otherwise dark season? And back before climate change made what used to be winter really unpredictable and wildly varying, snowy weather was fairly regular and enjoyable at this time of year. I mean, I know without snow, they tend to call it a “green Xmas”, but it really looks grey or brown at best.

          • Blork 11:44 on 2019-12-24 Permalink

            Ha ha ha! Laughing because I was listening to Iggy Pop’s version of “White Christmas” when I read this.

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