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  • Kate 23:49 on 2020-05-05 Permalink | Reply  

    The ferry linking RDP with the Old Port, which proved popular last year, has been cancelled this year because it isn’t possible to ensure distancing aboard. Other excursion boats have been stopped till June 30.

    • Kate 20:05 on 2020-05-05 Permalink | Reply  

      Montreal restaurants that turned to Foodora to help them keep afloat may have sunk themselves deeper, as the delivery app service, which announced last week it was leaving Canada, owes a lot of restos money it may never be able to pay out.

    • Kate 20:03 on 2020-05-05 Permalink | Reply  

      We’re facing a chilly week including a frost advisory tonight.

      • Kate 20:02 on 2020-05-05 Permalink | Reply  

        We are now being asked to wear masks on public transit. The STM is also going to install plexiglas barriers to protect its bus drivers.

        Contact tracing in the Montreal public health system relies on a fax machine.

        A Cree elder has died in a rehab facility in Montreal – the first person from her nation to die of COVID-19.

        An inmate has died in a federal prison in Laval.

        • Max 22:11 on 2020-05-05 Permalink

          So. We’re supposed to wear masks on public transit, yet there’s nowhere to buy cheap, reliable masks, whether one-time-use or reusable. Pretty glaring oversight in your messaging, authorities.

        • Faiz imam 00:43 on 2020-05-06 Permalink

          Really? I’m increasingly seeing them in stores, pharmacies, but also small ethnic grocery stores. They all seem to have a supply by the counter.

          Also a TON of people are making reusable cloth masks at home and selling/giving them away.

          check out kijiji as an example.


          It’s not hard to find.

        • walkerp 13:55 on 2020-05-06 Permalink

          Saw a box of 50 disposable ones for $60 and single “KN95” masks for $6 in the supermarket in the basement of the Swatow Plaza in Chinatown. That is probably somewhat of a markup but not insane.

        • Chris 09:29 on 2020-05-07 Permalink

          Thankfully they’re not mandating masks, hopefully it won’t come to that.

      • Kate 09:13 on 2020-05-05 Permalink | Reply  

        A 61-year-old man was stabbed to death overnight. Police spotted someone on the ground at Ste-Catherine and Drummond and found him lifeless. A man of similar age has been arrested. Homicide #5 this year. Actually #6, see below.

        • ant6n 18:15 on 2020-05-05 Permalink

          Wow, #5 in May. I think just a couple of years ago, there were 35 per year.

        • Vazken 19:25 on 2020-05-05 Permalink

          I think it helps that less people are out and about

        • Kate 20:11 on 2020-05-05 Permalink

          Metro’s headline makes it #6 and TVA has now also amended its headline to say 6. I’ve been listing them on this map and you’ll see seven are on there now, including one doubtful: I never saw anything further about that incident on Nuns Island.

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