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  • Kate 19:45 on 2020-05-30 Permalink | Reply  

    The city has extended its state of emergency till June 4.

    • Kate 12:49 on 2020-05-30 Permalink | Reply  

      CBC’s Sarah Leavitt reports that a humpback whale is in the river, under the Jacques-Cartier bridge. This species doesn’t usually make it this far upriver.

      Here’s a report from Baleines en direct. Nobody knows why the whale made its way upstream away from the saltwater around Tadoussac where it would usually live.

      Fabulous shot by Jacques Nadeau.

      • Kate 11:12 on 2020-05-30 Permalink | Reply  

        La Presse has a terrific piece this weekend with five bylines, retelling how COVID-19 came to Montreal and how hospitals, politicians and bureaucrats responded or failed to respond, with some parts of the story only now being made clear. It reads like an intense screenplay outline.

        • Jack 11:40 on 2020-05-30 Permalink

          People I have no skin in this game but La Presse is worth paying for. The company is struggling and without them our society will be collectively poorer.

        • Kate 12:57 on 2020-05-30 Permalink

          Relevant piece in Ricochet: A free press is no luxury.

      • Kate 10:12 on 2020-05-30 Permalink | Reply  

        Some local businesses have seen the online side of their sales boom during lockdown, only to run into the bottleneck of parcel delivery and the hassle of lost or stolen shipments. Canada Post is not keeping up, but it’s also being asked to handle more items, and bigger and more cumbersome items, than ever.

        • dwgs 19:37 on 2020-05-30 Permalink

          Canada Post is a mess. It took 17 days for them to deliver a phone from TO to MTL.

        • Blork 21:14 on 2020-05-30 Permalink

          No kidding! I had a package marked as “shipped” from BC that was supposed to take two days to get here and I ended up waiting 14 days for it. Ditto a package from Sherbrooke that was supposed to arrive next day. It’s been five days now, and the tracking just says “delivery date pending.” :-/

        • Alison Cummins 23:16 on 2020-05-30 Permalink

          Somone I know in the biz has a theory that UPS just parks its containers for three days to let the virus die before opening them and sorting the contents.

          I think they’re just overwhelmed.

          In addition to the more/ more complicated packages problems, a lot of delivery is done by small subcontractors who can lay themselves off and collect CERB payments. So staffing has dropped.

      • Kate 10:00 on 2020-05-30 Permalink | Reply  

        With no conferences on, the Palais des congrès has become an enormous warehouse for medical material.

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