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  • Kate 16:25 on 2020-06-26 Permalink | Reply  

    The Quebec government is making another of its U-turns: it will resume giving out daily Covid numbers on Monday.

    • Kate 12:07 on 2020-06-26 Permalink | Reply  

      Over the next few weeks, suddenly anyone taking an STM bus should expect to pay.

      • EG 13:06 on 2020-06-26 Permalink

        I admit to not knowing when was the last time I even knew where my Opus card was.
        Since mid-March I’ve ridden the bus only twice, only locally and for short distances, and I admit I didn’t have the money for it.

      • Alison Cummins 09:20 on 2020-06-27 Permalink

        Are they making buses front-accessing as drivers recover from Covid? Or is there an actual plan to protect them?

      • Kate 10:00 on 2020-06-27 Permalink

        There’s been talk about installing plexiglas partitions. I don’t think anyone is assuming all drivers have caught Covid, and nobody knows yet whether having had it confers lasting immunity anyway.

      • Alison Cummins 10:55 on 2020-06-27 Permalink

        So we’re going with “actual plan” then? That would be nice.

    • Kate 10:18 on 2020-06-26 Permalink | Reply  

      QMI also continues to hammer at how some people do not like the pedestrianization of Mont‑Royal.

      I was amused by this tweet I spotted:

      • Jack 10:33 on 2020-06-26 Permalink

        Louis T is very funny. I’ve seen his show a few times and trust me he is fearless. He pushes back hard on the Quebecor universe and for it has been trashed by their columnists. He is from the Saguenay and has a great shtick about growing up a Tremblay in the Sag.
        He is also someone who speaks frankly about living with Aspergers.
        Blokes check him out.

      • DeWolf 11:18 on 2020-06-26 Permalink

        La Presse ran a bunch of angry letters about François Cardinal’s recent column, which suggested that now is the time to experiment with new ways of managing our urban space. Half of the letters were from people who don’t even live in Montreal. I don’t get it, why do people in Saint-Constant or Lachute feel so strongly about Mont-Royal being pedestrianized?

      • walkerp 11:21 on 2020-06-26 Permalink

        Thanks for that push, Jack. He is funny. Followed.

        Orwell is proven right again and again. I suspect many of these people whose anger about something that does not affect their lives at all would welcome a Two-Minute Hate, commandité par Québécor, where they could froth and rage against pedestrianization and racial equality.

      • qatzelok 12:50 on 2020-06-26 Permalink

        DeWolf: “why do people in Saint-Constant or Lachute feel so strongly about Mont-Royal being pedestrianized?”

        I think it’s the symbolic value of this change, this central-Montréal de-automobilization.

        Bungalow-dwellers see “pedestrianisation” on their screens and then they tremble imagining themselves walking 15 minutes back and forth to Couchetard every day past lawns and lawns and lawns.

        Then they type – the same five or six posters after every car story in commercial media.

      • Robert H 16:13 on 2020-06-26 Permalink

        Ha ha, je suis certain que c’est la fin du monde. Mais moi, je vote aussi pour la valeur symbolique de cette matière de très grande importance pour tous les Québécois. Parce qu’il il ne s’agit pas seulement de la piétonisation de L’Avenue Mont Royal. Cette controverse est devenue la dernière indicateur de la guerre de culture entre Montréal et Le Reste Du Québec. C’est le signe d’une ambivalence envers la métropole ressentie par tant de personnes dans le ROQ. Les Rues piétonisées, vêtements religieux, minorités raciales, ethniques et sexuelles, 24/7 embouteillages et cones oranges, zone à ceux qui se croient chic et branchés, bondée et trop chère, le crime, anglophones (!), et jamais assez de place pour se stationner. Une tache au visage pur du patrie. C’est pourquoi on dit à Jonquière, Shawinigan, Sainte Agathe, Rimouski, Québec, Laval et Brossard «Montréal est un trou!» J’aime Montréal.

    • Kate 09:51 on 2020-06-26 Permalink | Reply  

      A CROP poll shows that even though Quebecers are inclined to be cautious about the province’s opening of bars, gyms and other such places, Horacio Arruda is unsettled about our relaxation given that the pandemic is by no means over, and Quebecers are generally disinclined to wear masks.

      Quebec wanted a thousand more CHSLD helpers from the Canadian armed forces, but is not going to get them.

      Carey Price is uncertain whether he wants to resume play should the NHL hold a summer playoff season.

      Two researchers at Ste-Justine have been given millions to study the potential of vitamin D in warding off Covid.

      QMI is hardly being objective faced with the ongoing pandemic. On peut recommencer à vivre cries one headline about bars and casinos reopening. Whereas Radio-Canada describes the Grande bibliothèque reopening as gradual, TVA scoffs at a déconfinement très timide. These are not QMI opinion pieces, by the way – they’re straight-up reportage, supposedly.

      We’re warned that the courts will not take lightly gestures like people deliberately coughing in the faces of people wearing masks, as have been reported here and elsewhere.

      • Blork 10:43 on 2020-06-26 Permalink

        News of this will surely cause a run on vitamin D at your local Jean Coutu.

      • Kate 10:46 on 2020-06-26 Permalink

        Well, here’s my anecdotal evidence: I take a vitamin D tab every day in winter, and since the pandemic has meant staying inside so much, have simply kept taking it – and I haven’t had Covid, that I know of!

      • Blork 12:26 on 2020-06-26 Permalink

        Proof it works! 🙂

        Shopping for Vitamin D pills is a good exercise in how marketing and merchandising is designed to upsell us into oblivion. Go to the pharmacy and look at the selection. There are chewable pills, flavored pills, “fast-acting” pills, and all sorts of other useless variations, and they sell for $10-$15 a bottle, and the bottle only has 100 pills in it. Then you look a little farther and you find plain white no-frills vitamin D pills in a bottle of 300 and it’s selling for six bucks. FFS!

        I take two 1000 unit pills a day because there is anecdotal evidence it helps with my neuropathy. That’s more than 700 pills a year, and if I were a sucker I’d be paying $75 or more for that. Instead I go to Costco (or a pharmacy if there’s a sale on) and get a year’s supply for about $9.

      • Faiz imam 12:41 on 2020-06-26 Permalink

        Heck, you can get a decent sized bottle at Dollarama now.

        Its a very basic chemical, get the cheapest version you can find, its just fine.

      • GC 18:25 on 2020-06-26 Permalink

        Why would anyone need “fast-acting” vitamins? It’s not an antidote for poison. You ingest it and it will get through your system in the amount of time it takes.

      • Kate 10:01 on 2020-06-27 Permalink

        It’s in case you have a sudden attack of rickets.

      • Raymond Lutz 10:26 on 2020-06-27 Permalink

        Deux précisions. Un, le 6M$ est réparti en 4M$ pour la recherche sur la vitamine D et 2M$ pour étudier le risque de réinfection chez le personnel soignant. Deux, la Vitamine D ne protège pas contre l’infection du SARS-COV2 mais une carence vous met plus à risque de faire un choc cytokinique lorsque infecté. [A. Daneshkhah et al.] et pour le dosage recommandé, lire [K. Razdan].

      • Kevin 12:07 on 2020-06-27 Permalink

        Or your doctor could make you get a Vit D test to find out if you’re actually deficient. And if you are get prescribed a certain amount.

    • Kate 09:44 on 2020-06-26 Permalink | Reply  

      A man was stabbed, not fatally, at Atwater and Ste-Catherine on Thursday evening. Neither of these links has much more information.

      • Kate 09:11 on 2020-06-26 Permalink | Reply  

        The inbound side of the new bridge will be closed all weekend and this piece lists other road closures too.

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