Black anglo kids: minorities in two ways
A study shows that Black anglo kids in Montreal are five times more likely to be reported to child protective services than white ones. The researcher suggests that the kids and their families have the burden of being minorities in two different ways, which can lead to communication breakdowns.
david33 00:38 on 2020-09-11 Permalink
Yeah, I’m sure there’s no other obvious variable that can account for why black anglo kids might not have the same family stability as white anglo kids.
Just to be clear, if the line now that we’re pretending that we’re American and have American history full stop, or just that we’re guilty for the American racialist mentality? Hard to keep straight.
j 06:53 on 2020-09-11 Permalink
@david33 Can you explain the obvious variable? The article explicitly says that the “root cause for disparity remains unclear” according to the study.
Wilton Guererro 07:00 on 2020-09-11 Permalink
David, your transition form a guy who incessantly and insultingly rage-posts about zoning regulations to full-on reactionary has been quite something (a few posts up you are calling for some sort of people’s justice).
The de facto and de jure similarities between Canada and America in terms of race based oppression are well documented. From slavery and immigration quotas on through the modern disparities in education, housing, employment, policing. Do you suppose that since we are not a carbon copy of American society that that gets us off the hook? Considering that you demand very precise messaging from any and all progressives, why would you then fall back on such a vague idea being “guilty” for a “mentality”? Or for that matter characterizing every one of your own beliefs as “obvious” while those in opposition as impossible to understand.
Daniel Marcella 08:01 on 2020-09-11 Permalink
David## is racist. Full stop.
walkerp 08:31 on 2020-09-11 Permalink
Well said, Wilton.
Yes, david33, what is that variable?
That’s some serious racist shit right there. FOH.
Michael Black 09:13 on 2020-09-11 Permalink
Maybe ten years ago there was a story about a woman moving some things with the help of some friends. And the cops showed up to make sure they weren’t stealing. She lived there, she wasn’t moving in. I rrecognized her name, she organized some events. It was clearly because she was Black.
Then there’s the sixties scoop, native kids taken away from their parents,. Though, Cindy Blackstock says more native kids are in foster care now than when the scopp happened.
So maybe there’s more likelihood that someone won’t trust the parents because they are Black?
Or maybe there is legitimate need, because the parents are making less money?
Maybe there’s other reasons but thise stories aren’t being told because there aren’t local Black columnists to get the stories into view?
Most people can’t evaluate native stories because all they see is the tip of the iceberg.
David777 16:21 on 2020-09-11 Permalink
Fucking morons.
The variable is obviously that most anglo whites in Quebec have long-standing ties and concomitant privilege, and most anglo blacks are going to have a much more recent history in this country.
Ian 17:19 on 2020-09-11 Permalink
David (x), How rude.
Also, bold of you to presume that black people somehow aren’t “from” here in the way other English speakers are. At the very least there has been a strong & distinct black community in Montreal at least since the late 1800s – which is well before a lot of other English speaking immigrant communities even showed up.
Wilton Guererro 18:11 on 2020-09-11 Permalink
“Just to be clear, if the line now that we’re pretending that we’re American and have American history full stop, or just that we’re guilty for the American racialist mentality? Hard to keep straight.”
That you could write this and still have the temerity to me (us) “fucking morons”, well… you’ve clearly disproven the assertion that you’re an angry and insulting reactionary. Case closed I guess.
dwgs 09:32 on 2020-09-12 Permalink
How long do we have to put up with this insufferable, pretentious twatwaffle?
Kate 10:03 on 2020-09-12 Permalink
dwgs, I will have a word with him. Thanks for the word twatwaffle.
Michael Black 13:21 on 2020-09-12 Permalink
So I looked it up, it was Gemma Raeburn-Baynes who was moving some stuff in 2004 and a neighbor called the cops (four cars arriving, with guns drawn), despite her living there for 30 years. It’s her 70th birthday today, something I didn’t know till I checked for these details. They want people to donate to an existing fundraiser for health care workers in Grenada (where she was born, coming here as a young teenager); it’s going to spike today as a result
The Union United Church started in 1907, apparently because they weren’t feeling welcome at existing churches. Not way in the past, but only 40 years after Confederation. According to wikipedia, there were restrictions on immigration that kept Black people out (I didn’t pursue it to see if it was racism or economic based discrimination), which makes any “Black problem” a conveniently non-issue except for people who were here. People did trickle up from the US. The immigration law changed about 1964, so population has changed since then. My impression (which obviously was limited as a kid) was that Black people here were English speakers, and it’s tipped in more recent times to a French speaking majority (of a Black minority).
But like I said, racism is defined by the ones who suffer from it, the only thing that matters is that it hurts people, not how many, or how nice things appear on the surface.
Kate 14:40 on 2020-09-12 Permalink
Thank you, Michael Black. I remember well the incident with Gemma Raeburn and the garage. And you’re entirely right about who it is that gets to define racism.
I have had a word with participant David, and asked him to take a break.