Chinatown suffering badly from pandemic

Chinatown has been very hard hit by the pandemic, not only the decline in foot traffic plaguing other stores and restaurants, but an unfair association with the contagion of Covid on top of it.

I remember during the SARS moment in 2003, C-town establishments were hurting and put signs out saying there were no cases of SARS in the area (it was true – there weren’t). I can’t imagine what Covid is doing to them.

And yet, I’m not going downtown. On the CBC noon radio show Tuesday the topic was the state of downtown, and they had one guy on boosting it and saying how it was safe and great and so on. But to go downtown, I’d have to take a bus or metro for anywhere from 30 to 60 minutes each way, boxed in with random people, and right now I don’t want to do it – it seems like a stupid exposure to risk, to take public transit for a jaunt.

Still, I have now spent the longest period of my life without setting foot on Ste-Catherine Street, and some days that feels weird.