Deadly accidents down over holidays
A beneficial side effect of lockdown: this holiday period had fewer serious road accidents than in years.
Has anyone reading this even had a cold since March?
A beneficial side effect of lockdown: this holiday period had fewer serious road accidents than in years.
Has anyone reading this even had a cold since March?
Tim S. 09:39 on 2021-01-04 Permalink
Colds are definitely still circulating through daycares…
dwgs 10:42 on 2021-01-04 Permalink
I was thinking about that just last week. Household of 4 and not a single cold since last February.
walkerp 11:15 on 2021-01-04 Permalink
Yes, everybody who had kids got sick in September.
Kate 12:08 on 2021-01-04 Permalink
True enough, no kids here. Thanks for reminding me of that fact of life!
Mr.Chinaski 12:30 on 2021-01-04 Permalink
I’m WFH, no kids, barely get out only for groceries…. and got a cold in early december!
CE 13:50 on 2021-01-04 Permalink
My jobs require me to be out in the public a lot and I’ve still managed not to get a single cold or flu since the pandemic started.
Kevin 18:34 on 2021-01-04 Permalink
I have kids and nobody in our household has had a cold in months.
I had *something* in the late spring, but I think I’ve developed allergies to whatever trees are at my in-laws’ home.
There are hardly any reports of Influenza across Canada this year, but Quebec has the lowest level of testing in the country. Which is weird, because the combo tests for Influenza and Covid started being used in November.
So I suspect the bureaucrat in charge of that fax machine forgot to reload paper or something.
david264 06:31 on 2021-01-05 Permalink
There’s this double track, where many Montrealers are thrilled to not have to work and/or to be allowed to work from home . . . but at the same time, take a special pride in shaming those who have different lifestyles.
david264 06:33 on 2021-01-05 Permalink
And by different lifestyles, I mean that they’re not staying home at all times because, say, they need to work, or they have already had covid, or they’re just extroverted and can’t help themselves.
david264 06:59 on 2021-01-05 Permalink
Like, avoiding a cold is super easy if you’re taking government cash or working from home, not so easy if you’re a person who actually has to work every day out of the home, or has had covid, or just will go crazy because if they stay home for five or ten months in a row because they’re not internet creeps like we are.
Kevin 10:38 on 2021-01-05 Permalink
My wife and I have never stopped working outside the home… but the “if you have the sniffles, stay home” rule has had a huge effect. That’s the one thing I hope continues once the pandemic is mostly over in a year or two.