A new study shows that our schools are Covid contagion zones.
Updates from January, 2021 Toggle Comment Threads | Keyboard Shortcuts
Mario Girard discusses the challenges facing Projet Montréal as they get deeper into an election year, but he doesn’t tell us much we don’t already know.
Did Projet ever sanction their councilor (Mindy Pollak) who traveled to New York? She seems to be the only public figure not tarred and feathered for traveling.
I see the news item about Pollak going to the U.S. but nothing else about it.
24h talked to young men who signed up to do food delivery during curfew. “Est-ce que les jeunes n’ont pas faim? Je ne sais pas.”
Radio-Canada talked to people who needed to be out about their experiences.
Le Devoir has photos and Global has photos and Radio-Canada sent out a drone.
I noticed a lot more dogs than usual were being walked yesterday evening. I always walk our dogs late, but lately I have the park almost to myself, except a few kids sledding and using the skating rink. Now even in the dog park it was busy. Just 5 dogs but that’s a lot for 9pm. Also still a remarkable number of cars wizzing by on Rosemont.
Michael Black
There could be a novelty factor, “we can go out now even though few others can” or maybe an awareness that things would be empty.
I’m amazed at how quiet it is at night, even over here in sleepytown. We’re two km from the nearest autoroute, with two others four km away on two other sides. Plus we have some pretty big boulevards a km or so away. That seems distant but at night there’s always the dull and distant rumble of vehicles. But not now. Near total silence. Creepy and weird but also sort of nice.
Bill Binns
I have definitely been using my dogs as a hall pass to get out and see what’s going on. There are plenty of people out and about in my area though and no sign that they are being challenged by the cops.
Was so nice and quiet. We should do this on the regular. Imagine how much air pollution has gone down.
Michael Black
I was wondering how reporters were able to report on the curfew. Did they get a special exemption because they are reporters, or just uner a blanket “essential”?
Any journalist or press photographer working for an established media outlet would already have some kind of credential. Their employer could also give them a copy of that official form, filled out, to show they are legitimately working at night. I don’t know how freelancers will manage.
I’ve seen news articles about people with letters from their employers who were ticketed so this is really starting out great. (I was weirdly anxious about putting out my garbage, though I ended up doing it at 7 anyways.)
jeather, now that I think of it, we’re not meant to put out garbage/recycling/composting before 8, are we? Which means that once it’s the correct time, we have no business being outside.
Now that’s going to bug me.
In my hood at least, when garbage is collected in the am, you’re allowed to put it out starting at 19h00 the night before.
Last time I checked, I am supposed to put it out between 5 am and 8 am the day of, but they pick it up at 8 and also I am not usually awake enough to go outside at that time. Everyone puts it out the night before, or even earlier sometimes. Anyways I wouldn’t risk it right now
jeather you’re saying there’s only a 3 hour window you can put it out? That can’t be. It would mean if you work some kind of graveyard/morning shift you can never put garbage out.
It may be different depending on the neighbourhood, but for my area, you need to put out your garbage/recycling/compost between 19h and 7h. You can check for your postal code here:
I checked, Sud Ouest is very clearly 5-8 am and not the night before. It can be (and is). But I have never seen anyone get ticketed for Sunday night (I’m on Monday), just Friday or earlier.
My borough it’s “entre 20 h la veille et 7 h le jour de la collecte”. I even have my phone set to ping me at 8 pm some days to remind me. In fact I just snuck out illegally to put my recycling out!
Elementary schools reopen Monday; high school students go back next week, but won’t be facing provincial exams this year.
Two men from Montreal have been extradited to the United States to face charges over trafficking in fentanyl.
dmdiem 08:38 on 2021-01-12 Permalink
*surprised pikachu*
Ephraim 09:57 on 2021-01-12 Permalink
What does Homer Simpson say? Oh yeah…. DOH!
walkerp 15:10 on 2021-01-12 Permalink
I’m starting to think it is only a question of when not if the school are going to close again here.
Bill Binns 18:26 on 2021-01-12 Permalink
Well, it’s illegal to leave your home after 8pm “to save lives” but everybody’s children are packed into busses every morning 88 at a time to brought together in the same buildings all day to return to those family bubbles at night. This all makes perfect sense. It’s just good science.
That reminds me, we are nearing the one year anniversary of the government telling us that masks do nothing to stop the spread of Covid and every time you put one on a hero nurse dies.
Kevin 18:34 on 2021-01-12 Permalink
Bill Binns
The reason health officials did not recommend masks in the early stages of the pandemic was because procedure masks, on their own, did not prevent the person wearing them getting sick.
Later research showed that if a sick person wore a mask, that person was less likely to transmit the virus to others.
In other words: you’re wearing a mask to protect others in case you’re sick. You’re not wearing a mask to protect yourself.
dhomas 19:24 on 2021-01-12 Permalink
In addition to what Kevin said, at the beginning of the pandemic, regular folks hording medical-grade masks meant medical staff might not have access to them since there was a severe shortage of them.
Bill Binns 20:07 on 2021-01-12 Permalink
I don’t believe that there was a scientific discovery in 2020 that masks reduce the transmission of communicable diseases. There are plenty of photos of the average Joe wearing them during the last global pandemic 100 years ago. Only a politician could argue that masks are useless and then, barely a month later when confronted with the fact that they are of course effective, simply change the name to “cloth face covering” and require them to be worn by everyone.
Kevin 21:40 on 2021-01-12 Permalink
@Bill Binns
Here’s a meta-analysis published in The Lancet indicating your belief is wrong. https://www.thelancet.com/article/S0140-6736(20)31142-9/fulltext
david37 04:49 on 2021-01-13 Permalink
I don’t really have a dog in this fight, but that article is from June, and the Lancet and others have moved way forward (didn’t they retract a bunch of Covid articles in the summer?) so that a 7 month old article isn’t a great exclamation point. I think Bill’s point is that it was crazy dumb to tell people not to wear masks like they were doing for a month or two.