Food delivery during curfew
24h talked to young men who signed up to do food delivery during curfew. “Est-ce que les jeunes n’ont pas faim? Je ne sais pas.”
Radio-Canada talked to people who needed to be out about their experiences.
Le Devoir has photos and Global has photos and Radio-Canada sent out a drone.
mare 11:34 on 2021-01-11 Permalink
I noticed a lot more dogs than usual were being walked yesterday evening. I always walk our dogs late, but lately I have the park almost to myself, except a few kids sledding and using the skating rink. Now even in the dog park it was busy. Just 5 dogs but that’s a lot for 9pm. Also still a remarkable number of cars wizzing by on Rosemont.
Michael Black 12:20 on 2021-01-11 Permalink
There could be a novelty factor, “we can go out now even though few others can” or maybe an awareness that things would be empty.
Blork 12:39 on 2021-01-11 Permalink
I’m amazed at how quiet it is at night, even over here in sleepytown. We’re two km from the nearest autoroute, with two others four km away on two other sides. Plus we have some pretty big boulevards a km or so away. That seems distant but at night there’s always the dull and distant rumble of vehicles. But not now. Near total silence. Creepy and weird but also sort of nice.
Bill Binns 12:58 on 2021-01-11 Permalink
I have definitely been using my dogs as a hall pass to get out and see what’s going on. There are plenty of people out and about in my area though and no sign that they are being challenged by the cops.
walkerp 13:06 on 2021-01-11 Permalink
Was so nice and quiet. We should do this on the regular. Imagine how much air pollution has gone down.
Michael Black 13:58 on 2021-01-11 Permalink
I was wondering how reporters were able to report on the curfew. Did they get a special exemption because they are reporters, or just uner a blanket “essential”?
Kate 14:28 on 2021-01-11 Permalink
Any journalist or press photographer working for an established media outlet would already have some kind of credential. Their employer could also give them a copy of that official form, filled out, to show they are legitimately working at night. I don’t know how freelancers will manage.
jeather 15:14 on 2021-01-12 Permalink
I’ve seen news articles about people with letters from their employers who were ticketed so this is really starting out great. (I was weirdly anxious about putting out my garbage, though I ended up doing it at 7 anyways.)
Kate 18:20 on 2021-01-12 Permalink
jeather, now that I think of it, we’re not meant to put out garbage/recycling/composting before 8, are we? Which means that once it’s the correct time, we have no business being outside.
Now that’s going to bug me.
Chris 18:26 on 2021-01-12 Permalink
In my hood at least, when garbage is collected in the am, you’re allowed to put it out starting at 19h00 the night before.
jeather 19:13 on 2021-01-12 Permalink
Last time I checked, I am supposed to put it out between 5 am and 8 am the day of, but they pick it up at 8 and also I am not usually awake enough to go outside at that time. Everyone puts it out the night before, or even earlier sometimes. Anyways I wouldn’t risk it right now
Chris 19:24 on 2021-01-12 Permalink
jeather you’re saying there’s only a 3 hour window you can put it out? That can’t be. It would mean if you work some kind of graveyard/morning shift you can never put garbage out.
dhomas 19:38 on 2021-01-12 Permalink
It may be different depending on the neighbourhood, but for my area, you need to put out your garbage/recycling/compost between 19h and 7h. You can check for your postal code here:
jeather 20:09 on 2021-01-12 Permalink
I checked, Sud Ouest is very clearly 5-8 am and not the night before. It can be (and is). But I have never seen anyone get ticketed for Sunday night (I’m on Monday), just Friday or earlier.
Kate 22:00 on 2021-01-12 Permalink
My borough it’s “entre 20 h la veille et 7 h le jour de la collecte”. I even have my phone set to ping me at 8 pm some days to remind me. In fact I just snuck out illegally to put my recycling out!