Cop disarmed and injured in Park Ex
An SPVM policeman was disarmed then injured during a traffic stop in Park Ex on Thursday afternoon.
Update: The officer is described as seriously injured – TVA says he was shot – and there was an arrest Thursday evening.
CanIRemainAnonForThisOne? 21:11 on 2021-01-28 Permalink
Finally some good news
dhomas 07:40 on 2021-01-29 Permalink
I don’t see it as good news. If it’s bad for cops to be violent towards citizens, why would it be good for people to be violent towards cops? Isn’t violence the enemy here? Also, violence breeds violence. Cops might become more violent in the wake of such an event.
Chris 09:55 on 2021-01-29 Permalink
Stop being so logical dhomas. Don’t ya know: cops are subhuman and the enemy! For some, “defund” the police is thinly veiled code for “Eliminate”, with a capital E, if you get my meaning.
Ephraim 16:05 on 2021-01-29 Permalink
There are good cops and valuable services that they provide. We can’t paint everyone with the same brush. Of course, a body cam might have also been a positive move in this kind of situation. People tend to not assault cops with body cams, because they know that there will be evidence against them. The same body cams that the bad cops don’t want around..
Kate 17:26 on 2021-01-29 Permalink
I’m seeing suggestions there may be reasons for this particular cop to be unpopular in the area, but I hesitate to say more.
dhomas 22:05 on 2021-01-29 Permalink
I don’t see him named in any of the stories. Only the suspect is named. Do we even know who the police officer is?
Kate 18:50 on 2021-01-30 Permalink
I have a later post with a link naming the suspect but I haven’t seen the police officer named anywhere.
Paul Berevoescu 20:51 on 2021-04-23 Permalink
Cops are subhuman psychopaths abd so is eveyone who supports them. We will kill you if you oppose us