Anti-vaxx books at the library

Two Radio-Canada writers set up a dichotomy here with the lede that Youtube has banned anti-vaccination material but our libraries have not. They then rummage through the catalogues of local libraries in the city and beyond, as well as the Grande bibliothèque, and find a lot of books against vaccination, both from before Covid and since, as well as other quack medical titles.

But the item doesn’t suggest removing them. The writers talk to an authority at the BAnQ and a law professor, neither of whom is in favour of chucking the bad books out. Maybe people will need them in future if they’re studying the antivaxx movement? Maybe “presenting different points of view” is of value? But a line has been drawn, with no books on the shelves likely to incite hatred or violence. Last year the BAnQ banished the works of Gabriel Matzneff – surely someone in the future will want to study him?