Voting reminder

So I received a reminder about voting, and this time at least it has my name in bold type, although it’s still over on the right and the form is now addressed “À l’électeur/trice / To the elector” rather than to just Occupant.

Voting days are this coming weekend and the next. The form tells you where the advance and regular polls will be.

However, a regular reader points this out:

While the English side reminds us to bring a pen or pencil, the corresponding block on the French side also says – rather crucially – “ainsi qu’une pièce d’identité,” which the English does not.

(If it’s like other elections, people like me, who have no driver’s licence, may also need to show something proving our address. I brought a bank statement with me to the federal poll for this purpose, but they didn’t even ask to see it, nor did they make me remove my mask for identification.)

(I am also curious why my form says “Mc Donnell Catherine (68)”. I am not 68 and have no idea what this number indicates. A line number maybe? Also, why do some authorities feel a need to put a space after the Mc? Many questions.)