Summit on construction sites

The city will be holding a summit on construction sites next month, but CTV summons up Alan DeSousa to kvetch that it’s too late. Too late for what? The city will always be at grips with road repairs and construction sites. It’s never too late to act to get a handle on them. What does DeSousa want? For the city administration to shrug and give up because it’s “too late”?

The item quotes longtime traffic analyst Rick Leckner: “The real trouble is the independence of the boroughs who do what they want when they want.”

In recent days, two participants have made similar observations.

dhomas: “I live on the border of 2 boroughs. There is a barrier blocking my street from one borough to the next. The snow removal people from one borough just push the snow all the way up to the barrier, therefore blocking the sewer drain.”

mare on an underpass bike path: “…the lowest point, where the potholes spring up, is exactly on the border between two boroughs. So the patches are of bad quality and fail very soon after being fixed. […] Years ago I saw a sidewalk snowplough stop halfway the underpass and turn around, leaving a pile of snow in the middle of the sidewalk. “Not my snow.”

Arguably, the borough system is a kludge that should never have happened, although what are the odds of fixing it now? But the city should exert its power to dominate over the kind of nonsense described here.