Cavendish “an extension without a road”

The extension of Cavendish Boulevard will be a bike path and a tramway – and not a road for cars – according to the latest scare story from the Gazette. As mentioned in this piece, the linking of the two segments of road named Cavendish has been under discussion for more than half a century. The Gazette illustrates this weekend’s piece with the same photo used in June 2023 on a Cavendish story, and we’ve discussed the matter before on the blog.

The city toponymy site says the road was named after “Frederick Charles, lord Cavendish”, a man who had nothing to do with Canada, and not for Victor Cavendish, 9th Duke of Devonshire who was Governor‑General from 1916 to 1921.

In fact, there’s nobody called simply Lord Cavendish, because British titles don’t work that way.

The city ought to start claiming that it’s named for Henry Cavendish, who discovered hydrogen.

(I suspect Devonshire Road in TMR was named for the G‑G but, since it’s not in Montreal, it isn’t listed on the toponymy site. We do have Devonshire Park in the Plateau but the site only says “rappelle la présence d’une ancienne école dans le secteur” – a school which was probably also named for the same Duke of Devonshire.)