La Presse has a photo of Royalmount three months after the grand opening, and photos comparing scenes at Carrefour Laval to similar, but emptier, settings at Royalmount, including the parking lots.
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Christian Dubé announced Sunday evening on Tout le monde en parle that he won’t run again in the 2026 election.
The SPVM is dealing with a constantly growing number of reported frauds.
I got my identity stolen in October. I’m quite tech savvy and very prudent with my personal information, but it still happened to me. Strangely (but maybe not coincidentally?), the fraud occurred right when my “complimentary” Equifax Credit Monitoring plan, from the Desjardins data breach, was expiring. 4 or so accounts were opened on my name before I locked my credit. Pretty much everyone who has used Desjardins has their information out there on the dark web. It’s a hassle but putting a lock on your credit works. Do it for both Equifax and Trans-Union. Luckily, in Quebec, it’s free to put a lock on your credit, thanks to Quebec’s Bill 53. In other provinces, Credit Lock/Freeze is unavailable because the credit bureaus prefer to sell expensive “credit monitoring” solutions (which are pretty garbage; I had this and still got my identity stolen). They will only provide it if/when they are legally required to (other provinces should take inspiration from Quebec’s Bill 53, TBH).
Here’s some more information about Bill 53 and how Credit Locks work:
Thanks dhomas. I went to activate this on my Desjardins credit card and can’t find the option anywhere. I guess I’ll have to contact them to see how it’s done.
@MarcG: the Credit Lock is done with the Credit Bureaus (Equifax and Transunion) directly, not via your credit card provider. It prevents bad actors from opening new accounts using your identity.
Information can be found here: my case, fraudsters opened a mobile phone account (likely to try to get a phone paid monthly) and 3 credit cards. I locked my credit and disputed the inquiries, but my credit rating has fallen drastically since this event. I’m hopeful that once the disputes are closed, my credit rating will go back up.
Thanks @dhomas for providing this info; I had no idea about the Credit Lock.
Agreed. Thanks, dhomas. You may have spared others the hassle you experienced.
Thank you dhomas for sharing your story. I had totally lost track of doing this. Using your links, I was able to freeze my credit in about 25 minutes. Equifax was very quick and easy. Transunion took some more time because I wasted time looking for the option on their regular website and did not realize that they only offer the Freeze on a different URL.
@Tim I’m having the opposite problem. Transunion was straightforward but I can’t find the option after logging into Equifax. Under My Account all I see are change password, contact info, etc, no mention of freeze/lock.
@dhomas FTW!
Glad I could help. The Credit Bureaus don’t really make it easy, as I’m sure they are not too happy to have to provide this service for free. My Equifax Credit Monitoring has since expired (about a week after my incident), and I cannot find an easy way to manage my Credit Lock with an expired account. They also do not like talking to you on the phone.
Keep in mind that with a lock on your credit, any time you want to make a new credit inquiry (open a credit card, get a cell phone, get/renew a mortgage, etc.), you will need to suspend the lock temporarily. I’ve yet to do it, but there is apparently a way to put a 48 hour suspension which reactivates automatically. It’s annoying that I had to do this, but I really recommend it to everyone now that I’ve had to go through this waste of time. Plus, I still need to sort out my SIN (which the fraudsters used to steal my identity) with Service Canada.
Guedwig Bernier, who till recently was president of Projet Montréal, has put in the first bid for party leadership. The article goes on to talk about Luc Rabouin, but Rabouin hasn’t said yet whether he’s in the race.
Work on the Maisonneuve-Rosemont hospital, set to begin this fall, has been put off in the wave of healthcare cuts.
Blork 12:27 on 2024-12-09 Permalink
Frankly, that makes me want to shop at Royalmount.
dhomas 17:22 on 2024-12-09 Permalink
I think having paid parking was dissuading many potential shoppers. I didn’t even know they had made parking free until I read that article (not that it will entice me to go to Royalmount, anyway). Many others might not know, either.
It’s a 15 minute drive from Royalmount to Fairview, and they have free parking. You might not find your car (or your dog!) when you get back to the lot, but it’s free! /s
yasymbologist 18:04 on 2024-12-09 Permalink
simply entering a strip mall like this gives me fatigue.I guess it’s because I don`t have a carefree mindset to enjoys such places.
thomas 19:07 on 2024-12-09 Permalink
I’m suprised not to read a paragraph blaming the lack of shoppers on Valerie Plante or bike paths.
Robert H 15:09 on 2024-12-10 Permalink
In the La Presse article, Andrew Lufty, CEO of developer Carbonleo explains that the parking fees were meant to discourage commuters who might use the Royalmount parking lots and the covered passageway over The Decarie as a park-and-ride resource for métro de la Savanne. But unlike a downtown location, people driving to shopping malls expect free parking and plenty of it. Too bad Carbonleo didn’t expand on its Four Seasons-Holt Renfrew Ogilvy project and return some of these upmarket retailers to a part of the city where they used to be more concentrated.
jeather 17:43 on 2024-12-10 Permalink
Looks like they’ve learned, because now it’s 4 hours free parking.
Jean Naimard 18:14 on 2024-12-11 Permalink
It’s very easily accessible by Métro, I don’t understand what the problem is.
To be fair, Québec should forcibly remerge Mont-Royal into Montréal (and split it half way between Parc-Ex and Côte-des-Neiges boroughs along Graham boulevard) just so we can get rid of that horrible rhodesian mindset of them.
And level Mont-Royal city hall to make sure it won’t ever be ressurected (since we can’t drive a spike through it’s heat).
Ian 19:23 on 2024-12-11 Permalink
If you’re not the jeannaimard from reddit, you sure as heck sound like him 😉 Rhodesians, blokes, etc. – you’re like a time machine. I feel like I should be smoking in a bar while I read this haha