The STM cleans the metro with ecological products. Maybe they should also sell these to consumers? If you can clean the metro with it, it’ll do wonders on your kitchen sink, etc.?
Updates from April, 2019 Toggle Comment Threads | Keyboard Shortcuts
Radio-Canada notes that car dealerships are getting ever larger and building higher along the highways here.
Steve Quilliam
It’s actually a good thing, as long as they build along highways. There are still some in the city centre that I hope will relocate near a highway eventually. I would hope the same for gas station.
An amazing effect this evening – iced-up trees crackling as their boughs move in the wind. Some people have had electrical blackouts, so not so pleasant for them.
My motorcycle cover is covered in ice 🙁
And tomorrow will be buried in snow. 🙁
But at least I got to ride Sunday.
Funny you should mention the motorbike. I noticed one on my street today:
CTV is already dreading Friday bridge blockages on Monday.
Radio-Canada looks at how bicycle thieves get away with their nefarious acts, year after year.
The question of which category of worker will be allowed to lay the rails for the REM raises union issues going back to the origins of the railways.
Dominic 05:38 on 2019-04-09 Permalink
“Smell just like your favourite metro station!”
Kate 08:52 on 2019-04-09 Permalink
i.e. pizza at Guy or Berri…
js 19:51 on 2019-04-10 Permalink
[laff react @ Dominic]