Updates from May, 2019 Toggle Comment Threads | Keyboard Shortcuts

  • Kate 22:56 on 2019-05-09 Permalink | Reply  

    Bixi has now been extended to five more boroughs: Lachine, Anjou, St-Laurent, Montreal North and St-Léonard.

    • Chris 13:25 on 2019-05-11 Permalink

      The article doesn’t really make it clear, but there are so few stations/bikes in Lachine (for example) that’s it’s not really a viable/reliable choice for much. But it’s progress.

    • dhomas 19:39 on 2019-05-12 Permalink

      I’ve seen a lot of people riding Bixis around Anjou this weekend. What I find strange is that they didn’t put a Bixi station at Radisson Metro so those cyclists could have an endpoint giving them more transit options.

  • Kate 22:54 on 2019-05-09 Permalink | Reply  

    CTV has made staffing cuts all across Canada including 15 positions here in Montreal.

    • Kate 12:34 on 2019-05-09 Permalink | Reply  

      The city is going to treat your ash tree for free even if it’s on your own land. This is smart, because insects don’t care about property lines.

      • mare 00:56 on 2019-05-10 Permalink

        Smart, but last fall the city made us pay a few hundred dollars to treat our ash by injecting a lot of poison in its trunk. I suppose we won’t get that back.

        It shows no symptoms yet, maybe because they’re nearly no trees left in the backyards in our alley to serve as a stepping stone. Most people removed all trees from their backyards to facilitate parking cars or having a swimming pool.

        (If you spy on your neighbourhood with Google Maps satellite view it’s really amazing too see how many people have a pool in a dense residential neighbourhoods like Petite-Patrie. Just on my block I count 8 round pools in gardens and one huge round hot tub on someone’s roof. And I know a neighbour converted her whole yard into an indoor pool and spa.)

      • Kate 12:32 on 2019-05-12 Permalink

        mare, this is where an extra few meters of back yard make a huge difference. There are virtually no pools in my part of Villeray. On my side of the alley there are small yards but, across from me, some houses have barely enough clearance for a small back porch and stairs. No room for a pool anywhere on my block and no sign of any for blocks in any direction on Google.

      • mare 22:08 on 2019-05-12 Permalink

        Yeah, the backyards in our street are very big, especially on our side. And the street side also has decent yards and a very wide street with sidewalks and big trees. Villeray is more a neighbourhood for labourers.

    • Kate 06:53 on 2019-05-09 Permalink | Reply  

      Lot of PR just now about the opening of a Four Seasons hotel here and its restaurant conceived by star chef Marcus Samuelsson. They keep using the phrase “the heart of the Golden Square Mile” (even in French) and defining it as located “between the Museum of Fine Arts and the Bell Centre” which isn’t, you know, an actual location.

      • david100 11:58 on 2019-05-09 Permalink

        A few years ago when this project was announced, I was raving about how the new MBAM addition should have waited, that instead of taking down those Edwardian walkups, they should have delayed and plowed the money into getting the Holt Renfrew building. I wonder if that would still be possible. I’ve not seen anything about what they intend to do with the Holt building(s), and boy is it handsome.

        Another stray thought: I really miss the Hotel de la Montagne, it somehow was a hidden gem, despite being a twenty whatever story hotel. There’s no place like that anymore in Montreal – very stiff and cheap drinks in the ‘lobby’ bar, underground passageway to a club, rooftop bar in the summer (have very fond memories of that place), little nooks you could just sit and warm up after popping in off the street in dead of winter.

      • Ephraim 13:02 on 2019-05-09 Permalink

        Ah… david… you know what that “lobby” bar was famous for, don’t you?

      • david100 16:48 on 2019-05-09 Permalink

        It was a very friendly place.

    • Kate 06:45 on 2019-05-09 Permalink | Reply  

      A bar on Mont-Royal near Papineau was torched overnight and witnesses say they saw someone doing it.

      • Kate 06:37 on 2019-05-09 Permalink | Reply  

        Renovations to the paddocks at Circuit Gilles Villeneuve are running late a month before the event, despite the many millions of dollars poured into the project by all levels of government.

        (I still find “paddock” a strange word for a car garage, because it makes me think of horses.)

        • Tim F 08:57 on 2019-05-09 Permalink

          In French the teams are referees to as écuries (stables)!

          Clearly they see in themselves a legacy of horse racing.

      • Kate 06:34 on 2019-05-09 Permalink | Reply  

        Apps may be directing heavy traffic onto previously quiet residential streets.

        Bit of good news, though: the number of cars registered here is slightly down after many increases year after year.

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