Updates from May, 2019 Toggle Comment Threads | Keyboard Shortcuts

  • Kate 21:25 on 2019-05-21 Permalink | Reply  

    Development giants Devimco and Claridge have come to some agreement to divide up the spoils of Peel Basin and put up a stadium for a nonexistent baseball team.

    • Griffintowner 22:42 on 2019-05-21 Permalink

      The picture they used for the article is more than 10 years old! Totally puts everyone out of context for where the ballpark will be…

  • Kate 21:23 on 2019-05-21 Permalink | Reply  

    Valérie Plante inspected the construction work on Ste-Catherine on Tuesday and says she’s pleased with the progress. She’d like us to keep shopping. Another report says she’s surprised few merchants have applied for financial help the city made available to help them survive the dig.

    • Ephraim 11:59 on 2019-05-22 Permalink

      Didn’t you just say below that they don’t get the help until after the work is done…. so why bother with the paperwork… they have a long time to survive in hopes of ever seeing that payout.

  • Kate 21:17 on 2019-05-21 Permalink | Reply  

    A cyclist is in critical condition after an incident with a car in St-Michel.

    • Kate 21:16 on 2019-05-21 Permalink | Reply  

      The English Montreal School Board has voted to transfer the north-end Galileo building to the Pointe-de-l’Île board, thereby saving three other schools but displacing a group of special-needs students.

      Update: This may not be the end of it. The education minister wants those three schools and is probably going to get them.

      • jeather 07:59 on 2019-05-22 Permalink

        Amazing how the solution is always to punish the special needs group. (Not in Montreal specifically, everywhere.) I hope that the ministry pushes back against that.

        So interesting that the overcrowded EMSB schools don’t get the ministry just fixing it without notice, though.

      • Ian 13:35 on 2019-05-22 Permalink

        As a parent of a special needs kid I hear you, jeather. That said, this was a huge railroad move by the CAQ right after the Riverdale “fuck you” and the EMSB has unsurprisingly been freaking out. I’ve been following this as it unrolled, it’s been covered extensively on CBC radio for a couple of months now – the EMSB has been struggling to offer underpopulated space for the French school board, and the Galileo school was pretty much empty whereas the other 3 schools are neighbourhood anchor schools. The CAQ wants the populated schools for mysterious reasons but the EMSB is pushing for this space instead, and that the CAQ might accept it would be a huge acknowledgement of the reality of Anglo culture outside of central Montreal. In any case, the CAQ is being super unreceptive (big surprise) and the EMSB will probably get another “fuck you”.

    • Kate 06:53 on 2019-05-21 Permalink | Reply  

      Inevitably, the dig along Ste-Catherine Street is blighting businesses on that part of the street. The city has promised help but it’s never the same as having customers move freely past your door, as merchants along St-Hubert have also discovered. In fact, TVA says that the city won’t be paying the Ste-Catherine Street merchants anything until the work’s completed, which may be too late for some of them.

      • Kate 06:48 on 2019-05-21 Permalink | Reply  

        TVA claims that studies show a quarter of the city’s major streets are in poor shape, despite the millions poured into road maintenance annually.

        Update: In a glass-half-full report, Radio-Canada says that the proportion of roads in good shape has doubled in four years but is that what going from 21% to 41% actually means?

        So many millions, even billions, are poured into the roads yearly. This blog usually notes the pieces that report the budget items for this, because that number is always a headline. What happens to all that cash if the roads are still 40% lousy (as reported by Radio-Canada) and only 41% are reasonably good? That leaves 19% that are presumably so-so.

        • qatzelok 09:23 on 2019-05-21 Permalink

          There are still billions in new highways being built and approved while the the roads are bad all over Quebec.
          Road-building is a big part of the Corruption Industry.

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