Military museum closes
We had a military museum here, out at the corner of Langelier and Hochelaga. But the building has become decrepit so it has closed. In the photo, the building looks like a shed.
Did any reader ever visit this place? I’ve seen it mentioned once or twice on lists of city museums, but it never crossed my mind to go have a look.
qatzelok 15:36 on 2019-12-03 Permalink
Nobody is pretending the “Montrealers” (in the city) don’t drive. Their parked cars clog up all our roads and prevent rapid snow clearance.
All car traffic is poison for our society. But the suburbanite alone in his SUV racing to work every day, is another animal.
Some suburbanites live right here on the island of Montreal, but feel no connection to its citizens or special places. Diconnected, uncaring, anti-social car-addicts are a major scourge, and yes, some of this species resides among the cyclists and pedestrians of the central city. But the proportion in suburbia is much higher – as is the percentage of resraurants that are almost purely take-out.
It’s a drive-thru existence.
Orr 10:29 on 2019-12-07 Permalink
On the north side of that base is an retired airplane on display to passersby and as far as I can tell, the only such airplane on public display in all of Montreal, which is a shame since Montreal is a global aviation manufacturing centre for the past 80 years with many many thousands of aircraft built here.