Committee recommends Publisac limits
A committee of councillors at city hall is recommending limiting distribution of Publisacs to people who actively opt in. On CBC radio just now, a Transcontinental spokesman said – which we’ve heard before – that the Sac is worthwhile because it helps keep local newspapers alive.
My next door neighbour is not usually around, so I’ve picked up a few of her Publisacs to look at. (I have an anti-junk-mail sticker, so I don’t get them.) There is no local paper where I live in Villeray, any more. (The Metro paper has sections for the various boroughs, but the section on VSMPE contains mostly news from Rosemont right now.)
That said, there are a lot of circulars, which, for people living on limited funds, would help them find sale prices, and I happened on a catalogue that has been useful to me at work. I don’t see why we can’t simply extend the sticker system, and make the stickers easier to get – apply for them on line and they get mailed to you, for example.
As someone who’s done a lot of print media design, I see squelching the Publisac as a benefit to the environment, but also an attack on print media generally. People in my business will lose their jobs.
JaneyB 10:17 on 2019-12-06 Permalink
VSMPE?? You must be meaning your neologism: ViSaMiPex! Soo much catchier and more useable. 🙂
Kate 10:19 on 2019-12-06 Permalink
Ha. I’m glad you remembered that, JaneyB. I thought of using it, but was afraid it was getting a bit silly.
JaneyB 10:22 on 2019-12-06 Permalink
Tribeca (eg: TRiangle BElow CAnal street), Nolita, Soho etc all started somewhere lol.
dwgs 11:26 on 2019-12-06 Permalink
CoDeNeNoDaG represent!
Kevin 11:48 on 2019-12-06 Permalink
That’s a party game 🙂
Blork 12:32 on 2019-12-06 Permalink
There are three local papers in the Publisacs for my area. The biggest is the Courrier du Sud, which is surprisingly big; it’s almost as big as a small JdeM some weeks. There’s another one that’s about half as big, and a third one that’s really small.
Dhomas 10:43 on 2019-12-07 Permalink
I quite like the Flambeau (Mercier & Anjou newspaper) that comes in my publisac. My kids also like to use the flyers from the sac to do some “bricolage”, especially during Christmas when they cut out pictures for their wishlists for Santa. That said, I don’t see why a) it couldn’t be opt-in or make opting out easier, and b) why the local newspaper can’t be delivered without all the rest of the paper and plastic waste that comes with the publisac.
Kate 21:44 on 2019-12-07 Permalink
And what do people put in the bottom of their birdcages these days?
dhomas 10:52 on 2019-12-08 Permalink
Probably something like this?