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  • Kate 23:05 on 2020-02-07 Permalink | Reply  

    Fulfilling a 2017 promise, city hall will be looking for the right person to become its first czar of the night, with the mandate of developing a policy about nightlife and noise.

    • j2 01:21 on 2020-02-08 Permalink

      I nominate my friend, Party Rob, he will thrive on a mandate of developing nightlife and noise. Especially on the plateau.

  • Kate 22:49 on 2020-02-07 Permalink | Reply  

    There have been lots of incidents on the roads inside and outside town throughout the snowstorm.

    I was downtown this evening and saw a startling thing. I’d just got off the 24 bus near McGill. Sherbrooke Street was full of pedestrians and traffic despite the storm. As the bus moved slowly away, a young woman ran up behind it, lay down on the road, grabbed the bus bumper with one hand and held up a selfie stick with the other. I watched as the bus moved off into traffic, pulling her along behind it. And since there are no reports of deaths in traffic on Sherbrooke Street, I guess she survived the prank. Anyone seen the video?

    • walkerp 23:14 on 2020-02-07 Permalink

      Never with a bus, nor on busy streets, but bumper skiing was a not uncommon practice among kids where I grew up.

    • denpanosekai 00:48 on 2020-02-08 Permalink

      what the actual fuck.

      in other crazy surprising news — my bus was right on time this morning. Absolute madness.

    • j2 01:19 on 2020-02-08 Permalink

      Skitching used to be super common, at least in Ottawa in the late 70s and 80s, but it was on your feet ya and it wasn’t for the views.

    • Francesco 02:31 on 2020-02-08 Permalink

      Stitching behind school buses in the West Island was almost a means of transport in itself when I was a kid!

    • Francesco 02:31 on 2020-02-08 Permalink

      Autocorrected from “skitching”!

    • raymond lutz 08:27 on 2020-02-08 Permalink

      Nous on appelait ça faire du “ski bottine”. Seuls les plus téméraires (inconscients?) de la classe ne faisait…

    • dwgs 09:52 on 2020-02-08 Permalink

      Bumper hitching where I’m from.

    • JaneyB 10:50 on 2020-02-08 Permalink

      Bumper shining on the Prairies.

    • Kate 11:17 on 2020-02-08 Permalink

      Growing up as I did in the city – for part of my childhood I actually lived on the Decarie service road – doing this kind of stunt was unknown to me. I still think it was insane to try it on Sherbrooke Street at rush hour, even given the snowstorm.

    • Ian 12:07 on 2020-02-08 Permalink

      We used to do that on our bikes or skateboards with trucks & buses when we were kids & teenagers but didn’t have a name for it. I still see young people doing it here now and then, but mostly bike couriers.
      Actual lying down on the road and uploading it to TikTok (presumably) is kind of next-level though…

    • Kevin 18:09 on 2020-02-08 Permalink

      I’ll stick to motorcycling instead of doing stupid shit like that

    • Hamza 20:52 on 2020-02-08 Permalink

      Here’s a video I’m sure is related/the same person:


      There are def jokes to be made here but this is really something awful and selfish. If something had happened, it would’ve affected a hell of a lot of ppl in the midst of a situation that is already really demanding on city and emergency services.

    • Kate 10:15 on 2020-02-09 Permalink

      It was darker outside when I saw her, past 5 p.m., so even chancier. I link above to CTV’s report as well.

    • dwgs 10:30 on 2020-02-09 Permalink

      Kate, I may have been on that bus. I got on the 24 at the Roddick Gates a few minutes before 5. The driver stopped just before de la Montagne and he and a passerby walked to the back of the bus and did something for a couple of minutes and then off we went. I was reading beforehand and just figured it was something to do with snow buildup or the like.

  • Kate 13:44 on 2020-02-07 Permalink | Reply  

    Arthur Kaptainis compares and contrasts the city’s two symphony orchestras.

    • Kate 13:39 on 2020-02-07 Permalink | Reply  

      UQÀM is about to undertake a census of the trees on the island of Montreal. The city does an estimate twice yearly using lidar, but the university researchers will be out measuring trees and taking samples.

      • Kate 13:33 on 2020-02-07 Permalink | Reply  

        Three advertising companies are hoping the Supreme Court will hear their plea to force Plateau borough to allow billboards on its territory. The law has already been through several court rulings and is currently set at “no”.

        • Kate 08:42 on 2020-02-07 Permalink | Reply  

          Here are five facts about the Montreal metro which are perhaps not quite as unknown as all that. The start of the initial excavations in 1963 at Jarry were saluted last year with a ceremony to unveil a memorial plaque just inside the station building.

          • Simon 10:54 on 2020-02-07 Permalink

          • Raymond Lutz 11:20 on 2020-02-07 Permalink

            Fun fact #6: “Afin d’aider à combler le déficit accumulé par la construction du métro et l’Exposition universelle de 1967, le maire de Montréal, Jean Drapeau , instaure une taxe volontaire. Elle se présente sous la forme d’une loterie qui offre des prix d’une valeur de 150 000 $ remis en lingots d’argent.” ( source)

            Fun fact #7: “During the Soviet period, planners required a city’s population to top 1 million before work would begin on a subway. Tashkent’s population reached the milestone in the early 1960s” “It was the seventh metro to be built in the former USSR, opening in 1977” (source: The Gorgeous Metro Stations of Uzbekistan and Wikipedia)

            Damned commies! Note: gulag forced labour stopped in the ’50

          • Kate 12:38 on 2020-02-07 Permalink

            Right, Raymond Lutz. Drapeau ran the “voluntary tax” drawing a few times and it was a big success, then Quebec said no no no, that’s illegal, you have to stop. Then Quebec turned around, launched Loto-Quebec, and have been cleaning up ever since.

          • Daniel 17:35 on 2020-02-07 Permalink

            Point 5: Could it be argued the REM is in fact the long awaited Line 3?

          • Kate 23:01 on 2020-02-07 Permalink

            The REM is certainly doing what Line 3 was supposed to do, using the tunnel. The rest of the REM’s route doesn’t have much to do with it, I don’t think.

          • ant6n 21:16 on 2020-02-08 Permalink

            CDPQInfra has argued or at least implied that the REM is the line 3, even posting an image where they inserted the REM on a historical picture of Drapeau pointing at a map of line 3. There are some similarities, but its a bit of a stretch, and the whole PR bit is oddly self-congratulatory.

        • Kate 08:36 on 2020-02-07 Permalink | Reply  

          Many schools are closed (list here). More snow is expected to accumulate throughout Friday.

          Planned road closures may be limited by the weather this weekend.

          At 8 a.m. the sidewalk outside my place has not yet been plowed. Just getting to the bus is going to be a slog. How is it where you are?

          Update: Snow clearance is set to begin Saturday.

          • dwgs 10:15 on 2020-02-07 Permalink

            On my block in NDG nothing cleared, totally snowbound. Three blocks to the east where a private subcontractor does the work instead of the city all roads and sidewalks had been plowed at least once.

          • jeather 10:48 on 2020-02-07 Permalink

            St Henri, street and sidewalk are plowed, sidewalks better than they were downtown.

          • Kate 11:01 on 2020-02-07 Permalink

            I dug out my front steps and walk, but the sidewalk was still not plowed by 10 when I left.

            I signalled to the bus driver to stop short and let me on where there’s a plowed parking lot entrance, because so much snow was piled up at the real stop that I would’ve been white to the knees if I’d had to step through it.

          • Tim S. 13:29 on 2020-02-07 Permalink

            In my part of NDG I heard the sidewalk plows go by overnight, but I don’t think they’ve been by since. The street’s been done during the morning.

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