Two arrests in cellphone tower fires
A man and a woman were arrested overnight north of town for setting seven fires at telecommunications towers. Other countries have been experiencing similar vandalism of their towers.
There’s a conspiracy theory that the 5G cellphone standard is a cause of COVID-19, but the irony here is that none of the local towers have been emitting 5G. The prime minister tweeted this week that “vandalizing cellphone towers does nothing but threaten emergency services.”
walkerp 12:38 on 2020-05-07 Permalink
It really does appear that our society is being undermined by internet brainwashing. Humans are so stupid.
Kevin 13:26 on 2020-05-07 Permalink
All these morons were around previously. The internet just lets them band together — and lets us hear about them around the world.
EmilyG 16:07 on 2020-05-07 Permalink
And on the internet, people with harmful opinions or beliefs can always find material to support them.
qatzelok 18:54 on 2020-05-07 Permalink
First the media made us all move to the burbs, then it convinced us all to buy massive SUVs, then it had us watching Superbowl and the Oscars in our bungalows, and finally the media has everyone sheltering at home scared. And now it is telling people to burn down telecom towers.
Mass media is a harsh and sadistic mistress.
Uatu 10:40 on 2020-05-08 Permalink
More like the death of critical thinking.
Raymond Lutz 13:12 on 2020-05-08 Permalink
My mom talked to me about chemtrails lonng before the internet… And before Youtube, there were side channel distribution networks: I remember seeing an home made VHS copy of Falardeau’s “Le temps des bouffons”. Nowadays difference? Scale? maybe, essence? Nope. Les lignes ouvertes à la radio étaient le déversoir de la connerie de l’époque. Now it’s web2.0
Michael Black 13:41 on 2020-05-08 Permalink
But one difference is that “in the old days” most people had no access to distribution. So someone wanting to say something needed money, to produce a newsletter or vanity publishing, or making home movies. An individual might think up something, but it’s contained by limited reach. Even if someone had the means of distribution, it wouldn’t go much further than people receiving it.
Now anyone can speak. They can create an illusion of “authority” by a flashy website. Others can propagate the ideas, they have as much reach as the original now.
It isn’t helped by people giving up old media, so they can get stories without context, and no.counterpoint.