Gun in resto bathroom leads to charges
A man who left a loaded gun in a restaurant bathroom downtown is in deep trouble, not least because he was already under a firearms ban because of his criminal record. But what I want to know is why a tough guy was carrying a purse like that.
Item goes on to note that incidents involving guns have been more prevalent this year, which seems to be true, although the homicide rate isn’t rising relative to recent years.
steph 22:43 on 2020-10-04 Permalink
how do they KNOW it was his gun? Did the genius return to claim it, filed a missing arms police report?
Kate 08:44 on 2020-10-05 Permalink
Maybe there was some ID in the purse as well?
Shoe drop: maybe fingerprints?
Jonathan 09:30 on 2020-10-05 Permalink
Isn’t there a gun registry? That’s how they would know.
Kate 09:33 on 2020-10-05 Permalink
That presupposes that he’d acquired the gun via legitimate means, which is not the only way a guy with criminal connections could get his hands on a weapon.
dwgs 09:39 on 2020-10-05 Permalink
Acquiring a handgun is very difficult in Canada and I would imagine pretty much impossible if you have a serious criminal record.
Blork 11:05 on 2020-10-05 Permalink
I guarantee the vast majority of handguns being carried around are illegal and not part of any registry (not including cops’ guns.)
steph 12:32 on 2020-10-05 Permalink
I always supposed a firearm ban begins with handing over the registered weapons. Maybe they’re allowed to have guns but leave them at home????