City delays roadworks planned for 2021

The city is holding off on a third of the roadworks planned for 2021, the official line being that it’s to give a break to residents weary of roadblocks. Mayor Plante recalls here that in 2014 a ten‑year street repair schedule was made up, but the impact of a pandemic couldn’t’ve been predicted.

I’m struck by one detail in this piece, about work planned in Griffintown: “essentiellement des chantiers d’entretien d’égouts et d’enfouissement de fils électriques.” Is it possible the massive build of high-rise condos in the area went up before anyone realized the 19th-century sewers couldn’t handle the load? This photo of “New Griffintown” was posted to reddit recently, and got a lot of comment, including one that echoed my thought: “They should rename it Little Toronto.”