Teacher suspended over N-word
The north-end high school teacher who gained notoriety for saying the N-word in class has now been suspended, and students say he also did Nazi salutes in class and displayed other racist behaviour.
The north-end high school teacher who gained notoriety for saying the N-word in class has now been suspended, and students say he also did Nazi salutes in class and displayed other racist behaviour.
Meezly 10:52 on 2020-10-29 Permalink
I find it noteworthy that the high school students found the courage to post this on Snapchat after hearing about the University of Ottawa professor, because they have been complaining about Ouellette for years via “normal” channels. Once his behaviour was on display in social media did the school take any real action.
Jack 11:01 on 2020-10-29 Permalink
The FB page that these ex students put up is brutal, absolutely brutal. This man put a hurt on these kids that is unconscionable. Check out the bottom 10 minute clip.
Uatu 13:45 on 2020-10-29 Permalink
Hopefully this asshole will lose his job. He hates just about everybody…
Jack 16:31 on 2020-10-29 Permalink
Guess which major newspaper has not covered this story?
dwgs 20:01 on 2020-10-29 Permalink
In my experience it is very difficult to get rid of a teacher once they have attained a certain level of seniority. There is a math teacher at my kid’s school whose classes have a failing average every year and yet they keep their job. How can you consistently have a class average in the 40s in a core course and keep your job?
There were probably rumblings about this idiot for years but the hands of the administration were tied until it became public.