Check out the TVA headline here – Une autre piste cyclable à Montréal. The eyeroll is implied in the sheer lack of actual information there.
Pine Avenue has to be dug up from Park to St-Denis to fix infrastructure, so the city will be putting in a bike path and planting a lot of trees as well. QMI no like.
Frédéric 21:16 on 2020-11-04 Permalink
If their images were actually captured between Park and St-Denis, it would have shown the existing bike lanes that has been there for years.
Car traffic isn’t that busy on Pine near St-Denis either, as I turn right using the middle lane most of the time I ride there, which is something I only feel confident doing with light traffic.
MarcG 22:30 on 2020-11-04 Permalink
I was thinking the same thing; I worked near St-Laurent and Rachel years ago and there was already a bike path on Rachel east (and maybe west?) of that corner. The first 2 shots in the video are in front of the old Royal Vic near University, there’s even one shot of Dr. Penfield… pretty stupid.
qatzelok 10:32 on 2020-11-05 Permalink
Even their headlines are car ads.
Michael Black 11:46 on 2020-11-05 Permalink
The Rachel bike path was there in 1990, I think that was the first year. I think it was the full length, Jeanne Mance Park to Lafontaine Park.
It was early June 1990 that Cicely Yalden was killed at the corner of Rachel and Clark, either the bike path blocked or a car parked at the intersection.
MarcG 11:55 on 2020-11-05 Permalink
Ah I mixed up Rachel and Des Pins
MarcG 12:00 on 2020-11-05 Permalink
… but looking at Google streeview you can see that Fred is right and there is already a bike path between Parc and St-Denis so this story isn’t even a story.
DeWolf 12:17 on 2020-11-05 Permalink
This is pure disinformation on TVA’s part. Not only do they show clips of streets that won’t even be affected by the work (which is limited to the stretch of Pine between Parc and St-Denis), there as already a set of curbside bike lanes on Pine, as others have noted.