The Journal alleges that the Casino put out the red carpet for high-rolling members of the local mob.
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Le Devoir has much more detail about the report on the archdiocese and how it failed to deal with pedophile priest Brian Boucher.
English school board elections have been delayed again as it finally percolated through that holding them five days before Christmas during a pandemic wasn’t a great idea. There’s no new date, and almost all the candidates have already been acclaimed.
Michael Black
I just got the notice for the second date yesterday. A little slow there.
For the EMSB, there’s only one “riding” where there’s competition. I don’t know about the other boards. But they should just go to a mail-in vote given the small numbers.
I’m of two minds posting this, because although CTV is a reliable news source, it’s clear from context that while the white supremacist is trying to stir things up, nobody at McGill knows anything about the “white students’ union” he claims to be trying to establish there. Giving a guy like this free PR is distasteful to me, but we nonetheless need to know that guys like him are out there trying to win hearts and get followers.
Raymond Lutz
Ouf, tout ce qui manque à cette affiche, c’est trois torches Tikki…
The mayor launched plans for winter on Thursday. There will be “resorts” – warming stations – in parks in all boroughs, Christmas markets and outdoor sports
There was a break-in at the Ecomuseum zoo this week, and someone either stole a raven or allowed it to escape. It’s a rescued and rehabilitated bird that needs medication and care to live.
The Iroquoian symbols turtle, wolf and bear will be appearing on Peel Street this year instead of the conventional Christmassy motifs. These three apply specifically to Mohawk clans in the Montreal area.
Covid hospitalizations are on the rise in Montreal, and with the busy time of the holidays imminent, health authorities are worried.
Why do more people go to hospitals around the Christmas holiday? I’ve never understood that, but it’s clearly a thing.
The city has given out hygiene rules for wintertime.
Half the city’s office workers are continuing to work from home for the foreseeable future. This week I talked to someone I’ve worked with, who told me his agency was having him come in 2 days a week, the rest to be done from home. I imagine there’s a lot of that kind of thing going on.
The holidays are stressful for many people, for a variety of reasons. Stress and anxiety can exacerbate underlying conditions, and/or bring on physical symptoms that might feel like something more than an anxiety response (e.g., increased blood pressure, irregular heartbeat, indigestion, insomnia, various aches and pains from inflammation flareups, etc.). All that can make a person feel like there’s something wrong with them (OMG, I’m about to have a heart attack! OMG I feel bad because I have cancer! Etc.etc.)
Also, many people simply eat or drink to much and they think their hangover is something worse.
I’ve been to emergency at holiday time and there was a guy there was obviously lonely (talking about his family and Christmases past) who the staff seemed familiar with. Also lots of drunk and drugged people who either fell over or got into fights. There are probably more car accidents as well because drinking + driving + darkness + slush/ice.