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  • Kate 23:49 on 2020-11-21 Permalink | Reply  

    In the short life of the Autostade, it saw a variety of sports matches, as recounted here, although the writer doesn’t mention the many concerts which were also staged in the odd structure.

  • Kate 19:19 on 2020-11-21 Permalink | Reply  

    About a year ago, the Museum of Fine Arts announced plans for a new wing dedicated to the work of Jean-Paul Riopelle, but it’s giving up the plan. It’s not long since Quebec pulled the plug on the funding.

    • dmdiem 23:13 on 2020-11-22 Permalink

      I found “la joute” by accident. It was one of the most magical moments of my life.

    • Kate 23:55 on 2020-11-22 Permalink

      Was it steaming when you saw it?

    • dmdiem 06:16 on 2020-11-23 Permalink

      I had just moved to old Montreal and was exploring the neighbourhood. I found what I thought was a nice little park and took a seat on a bench. A few minutes later the mist started. I looked around and no one was freaking out so I thought, “ok… lets see where this goes”. A few minutes after that, the entire park was shrouded in fog and a few minutes after that, the fountain water caught fire.

      It was a magical experience. I had no idea it was an art installation. I honestly thought it was just a nice little park. It felt like I had accidentally stumbled upon the train to Hogwarts.

    • Kate 11:52 on 2020-11-23 Permalink

      So cool to get the experience unexpectedly like that!

      Riopelle was primarily a painter – in fact, if what I’ve read is correct, La Joute was pretty much his only major sculpture. For a long time it was kept in the Olympic park, and you could see it from one of the entrances to Pie-IX metro. Then Ville-Marie yoinked it from Hochelaga-Maisonneuve, which was regarded as a dubious move at the time. But undoubtedly the piece is now seen by more people, and the mist-and-fire effects were put into effect in the square, which they hadn’t been able to do when it was parked down by the stadium.

  • Kate 18:47 on 2020-11-21 Permalink | Reply  

    A small climate march was held downtown Saturday to emphasize that the climate is as much an emergency as the pandemic.

    • Kate 11:09 on 2020-11-21 Permalink | Reply  

      It must be interesting working for the magic mushroom clinic. Everyone I know online who’s doing mushroom microdosing is in California. No idea who’s branché here.

      • EmilyG 12:46 on 2020-11-21 Permalink

        There’s been a lot of psychology/therapy-related research into magic mushrooms and other entheogens recently. I think they can be psychologically beneficial.

        Microdosing is not the same thing as taking enough of the drug to feel the effects.

      • Kate 13:36 on 2020-11-21 Permalink

        I guess not. I’ve heard microdosing feels like an extra twinkle of creativity at the edge of the mind. Might be nice, but I don’t trust myself, the way I chop up garlic in the kitchen.

      • Tee Owe 14:38 on 2020-11-21 Permalink

        Kate – you might be hanging that out for dupes like me to respond to- but, how did psilocybin as an adjunct to psychotherapy segue to chopping garlic? – I also chop garlic, I need to understand

      • Kate 16:11 on 2020-11-21 Permalink

        I don’t have a light hand with garlic, or hot peppers, or other culinary flavouring elements. I would probably not so much microdose, as dose.

      • dwgs 20:23 on 2020-11-21 Permalink

        @Kate You say that like it’s a bad thing.

      • Kate 20:55 on 2020-11-21 Permalink

        dwgs, depends what else you need to do that day.

      • dwgs 22:29 on 2020-11-21 Permalink

        Good point. Also, I too cook like a peasant, it’s way more fun.

      • Raymond Lutz 07:37 on 2020-11-22 Permalink

        Don’t have time to dig further to find out what Health Canada newly allowed here but they forced Gabor Maté to stop using DMT in his psychoterapy practice (The Star, nov 2011). Harper days?

        NB: G. Maté is a treasure: watch his talks and interviews on YT.

      • Tee Owe 17:53 on 2020-11-22 Permalink

        Thanks for the clarification!

      • Mark Côté 10:02 on 2020-11-23 Permalink

        With legal cannabis not causing society to come crashing down as some feared, I hope psychedelic research takes off and their therapeutic use starts to become more normalized.

        One of the episodes of the (very interesting) Netflix documentary The Business of Drugs is about this topic.

    • Kate 11:07 on 2020-11-21 Permalink | Reply  

      Four-season cycling is growing in popularity here, according to Radio-Canada.

      Some cyclists are pressing the federal government to clear snow from the Lachine Canal bike path.

      • Blork 18:06 on 2020-11-22 Permalink

        Not to be confused with four season total cycling.

    • Kate 11:04 on 2020-11-21 Permalink | Reply  

      Shots were fired overnight on a residential street in St-Léonard, but there were apparently no victims.

      As I occasionally point out, we’re fortunate to live in a town where this is the only news of note on a Saturday morning.

      • Kate 11:00 on 2020-11-21 Permalink | Reply  

        A squad of people whose task it will be to ease the presence of the homeless around the Place Dupuis downtown was announced this week.

        Thing is, there always have been a fair number of itinerants around Berri square. I suppose more have been attracted by the promise of a clean warm place to stay in a hotel?

        • Kate 10:43 on 2020-11-21 Permalink | Reply  

          A total of 196 SPVM and SQ workers have caught Covid, including 81 SPVM cops. They’re not all sick now, since these numbers are from mid-February till November 3.

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